On 03/10/2017 10:14 AM, der.hans wrote:
Do you mean increase the time between the keynote to the start of the talks to an hour?
This would I think be more useful than stuff in the program which people don't read as it is.
If the information is available online and in the program, would you be able to almost go straight to the panel?
From my experience, you need to tell these things to people. Also, DEFCON (who I cribbed the talk from) found the same thing.
What is the attendee difference for Fri - Sun vs just the weekend?
We have (now) high attendance now on Thurs/Fri, but it's very focused on specific sub-events as opposed to general attendance, afaict.
Maybe have a Friday session during the lunch break since there's no Friday keynote?
I wouldn't be opposed to this. Or just before the Friday keynote?