FYI - SCALE 15x now listed as a sponsor to So Cal Code Camp LA, coming up Nov 12-13, 2016
What does this mean to us for possible action items:
1) Links back to Thus if we want to update that landing page, now is a good time to consider what we would like to do.
2) As a part of the partners, we are expected to help promote the event. I have been assisting them with community outreach, and I would like to see us do a little more. A) Twitter - we should send a tweet encouraging participation. B) Email newsletter - no is a good time to send a message out to people reminding them about SCALE 15x call for papers as well as the new date, we can also include - something on our partners at So Cal Code Camp. [ I am happy to write the email newsletter announcement if someone would like to proof it and make any adjustments as needed. ]
3) So Cal Code Camp LA - STILL has available rooms for presentations, IF anyone associated with SCALE would like to do a presentation, I HIGHLY encourage it. You can then use that presentation to help promote SCALE by announcing when you wrap it up.. "Learn more at SCALE"...
Thank You Matti