Am 08. Feb, 2017 schwätzte Caryl Bigenho so:
moin moin Caryl,
register a BoF session, then we can work together to promote it and find a few people to help.
I would suggest no holding it the same time as the keysigning party :).
Here I am again... this time replying to my own message. I found these instructions for organizing a cryptoparty. I haven't read it all yet... it is very thorough.
So anyone want to join in in making this happen? Maybe it is too much to do on such short notice, but it would be pretty neat if we could do it.
From: Caryl Bigenho Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 2:19:16 PM To: SCALE Planning List Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] Cryptoparty?
I don't know much about cryptology, but really want to learn! I would be happy to help organize such an event if given a list of "experts" we expect to be at SCaLE that could make it work and a time and room to do it that won't conflict with all the other great activities going on.
We could keep it very simple but useful... email security and encryption (BYOL), and cell phone security (BYOP) would be good for starters. Maybe security on social networks would also be useful.
Would anyone like to co-chair this event? Can anyone suggest names of people who would be great for teaching these concepts?
From: Scale-planning on behalf of Hriday Balachandran Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 10:34:50 AM To: SCALE Planning List Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] Cryptoparty?
Ok, but who is running it?
Bala. On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 11:27 AM der.hans <> wrote: Am 07. Feb, 2017 schwätzte Lori Barfield so:
moin moin,
sounds like a good BoF.
We can have a multi-hour BoF if that's necessary.
On Feb 7, 2017 09:00, "Caryl Bigenho" <> wrote:
Hi Folks!
I heard this piece on NPR yesterday and immediately thought... wow! That's something that could be done at SCaLE.
Surely, there are going to be a lot of experts there who could help do this. The real challenge would be finding a place to put it in the schedule. Maybe an evening BOF? Maybe an early event with breakfast and a fee to cover the food (or maybe an "angel" would sponsor it)? Maybe running parallel to some other evening event? Check it out here! 513705825/cryptoparties-teach-attendees-how-to-stay-anonymous-online
Caryl Cryptoparties Teach Attendees How To Stay Anonymous Online www.npr.org In these days of cyber intrigue, journalists, activists and ordinary citizens are interested in learning how to navigate the Internet anonymously. At cryptoparties, they learn how to do just that.
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