HI Lori,
I don't have a phone number, I'll email you a flyer which I used to promote SCALE, it's designed for dimensions to various Walgreens photo print options.
Thank You!! Matti
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 2:17 AM, Lori Barfield itdirector@gmail.com wrote:
i am planning on attending friday, but have received no response to email asking about SCaLE having a table. does anyone have a phone number for these organizers?
On Jul 19, 2016 11:36, "Mx Siltanen" mrsiltanen@gmail.com wrote:
Just noticed this event: WIT UCLA Friday, Aug 12 8AM-3PM, Reception 3-5PM
Looks like a good opportunity to do SCALE outreach if anyone is interested in attending. If so please see if they have a desk or place you can put up a 24x36 poster for SCALE, and if so drop me a note and we can make arrangements for me to get the one I printed out for WWT conference which just occurred.
Thank You Matti
--- info ---
*About* The UCLA Conference to Advance Women in Technology will take place on Friday, August 12, 2016 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (w/Networking Reception 3:00 - 5:00 pm) at the *UCLA Pauley Pavilion Club http://womenintech.ucla.edu/content/2016-travel. *To *submit questions *for the panelists, please visit this page https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GBD26B3.
*Registration* Registration for this event is invitation-only. To register, you will need to input the event password. Please email *womenintech@ucla.edu <womenintech@ucla.edu?subject=%5BUCLA%20WIT%5D%20Conference%20Registration%20inquiry>* with any questions or to request an invitation.
*Cost* *Suggested Donation: $35.* Our conferences are 100% supported by sponsors and donors. If you would like to make an individual donation on behalf of yourself or company, *please visit this page http://giving.ucla.edu/Standard/NetDonate.aspx?SiteNum=1233*. *To make a donation, please scroll down to Additional Donations and select the amount you would like to donate, then fill in the Donor Information. All donations are non-refundable and 100% tax-deductible. *
Scale-planning mailing list Scale-planning@lists.linuxfests.org https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
Scale-planning mailing list Scale-planning@lists.linuxfests.org https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning