Thanks to Todd's help we now have a short audio PSA we can use to promote SCALE. Which podcasts would folks suggest we send this to? Would anyone want to help sending this out to their favorite podcasts?
So far we've sent it to:
mintcast going linux geek news radio Linux Link Tech Show Linux Luddites Saturday Morning Linux Review ( Podnutz Everyday Linux kernelpanicoggcast Linux in the Ham Shack The Source Show Linux LUG Cast Command Linux Podcast
Looking forward to everyone's ideas, and thanks again to Todd for jumping on this one.
Regards, Ilan
On 12/6/15 9:44 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
Todd Cranston-Cuebas has put together a version of our 2016 audio promo and posted it here:
He's currently looking for feedback, please give it a listen and let him know what you think.
Thanks Todd!