Am 10. Mar, 2017 schwätzte Lori Barfield so:
hey, what did you all think of the new VR Realm activity? it was so popular, i think we have to bring it back. only with many times more equipment. do you have any creative ideas about it?
any other feedback you'd like to give about our signature Game Night activity?
Thanks for all the work the game night team puts in to make it a great experience for everyone!
I liked the historical displays and the use of craigslist for cleaning up lost and found.
It's been a while since the Frets on Fire guy had a booth or the flight simulator guy was in. I think it would be awesome to get projects like those participating in game night.
I did not have much time to talk to the Linux Astronomy group. Did they put up a telescope? If not, is there a place they could do that? Oooh, it would be fun to put up celestia or something similar on one of the big displays and let people play with it.