I know Ilan is going to be at LISA w/ the SCALE booth, but anyone else planning on going or lives in SD, or just wants to drive down there for the evening, the Free Software Foundation is hosting a pizza party in San Diego, on Tuesday, November 11th, 6:30-8:30pm for FSF Associate Members and free software enthusiasts.
Chat about free software with Hugo Award-winning author, Vernor Vinge Hosted by the Free Software Foundation 6:30-8:30pm at the Best Western 411 Hotel Circle S, San Diego
If you aren't already a member you can join online now at http://www.fsf.org/jf or you could also join at the event.
You don't have to RSVP, but we'd certainly appreciate it, let us know you're coming by emailing membership@fsf.org
Beer and both vegan and traditional cheese-covered pizza will be available. The Best Western has free parking for drivers, and it's about a ten minute walk from the Fashion Valley Transit Center for non-drivers.
I hope you'll come and of course, feel free to forward this message along to other folks who you think would be interested.
Flyer: http://www.fsf.org/events/sandflyer FSF event URL: http://www.fsf.org/events/sandiegoevent2008
Hope to see you there!