Just a reminder; the So Cal Linux Expo will be holding an open IRC meeting tonight, July 8th, at 6 p.m. Pacific. The meeting will be held on the irc.oftc.net server, in the #scale-chat channel.
During the meeting, we'll:
1) Announce the dates for SCALE 6X 2) Talk about things that the chairs plan to focus on for S6X 3) Open the "floor" up for suggestions and ideas from others. This is your forum to air your concerns and post your questions to the SCALE staff. We can't guarantee we'll have all the answers, but we CAN guarantee you'll be listened to.
If you've never used IRC, don't feel intimidated or left out; it's easy to use. On Linux, good IRC programs are XChat, Kopete, Konversation, and Pidgin. Most distributions either come with one or more of them, or have them in their repositories for downloading and installation. On Windows, Pidgin, MIRC and PIRCH (among others) are available, from download.com, or their websites. Give it a shot and join us!