Hi all,
We have an SGVLUG meeting next Thursday, Feb 8th (7-9pm) at OpenX Technologies in Pasadena. The topic is "The 5W1H of Getting Involved in Open Source" and our speaker is Paul Ramirez, a technical group supervisor at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Apache Software Foundation committer.
I want to invite those of you who are local to Pasadena to attend and add to our discussion. Also, it's a good opportunity to promote your favorite aspects of SCALE, and maybe give us a sneak peek at what to expect in March.
It might be nice to have the SCALE banner or flyers there.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP on Meetup or with me. OpenX is in a secured building, so I need to provide them with a list of names.
TIME: Thursday, February 8th, from 7pm to 9pm LOCATION: OpenX Technologies, 888 E Walnut St, Pasadena, CA 91101 https://maps.google.com/?q=888+E+Walnut+St,+Pasadena,+CA+91101&entry=gmail&source=g TOPIC: The 5W1H of Getting Involved in Open Source SPEAKER: Paul Ramirez, Jet Propulsion Laboratory