We track work at https://github.com/socallinuxexpo/scale-planning/issues
right now.
Code for apps would likely go in their own repos, which we're happy to
create if someone is on board to build something.
Ilan Rabinovitch
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo
877-831-2569 x110 Voice
818-442-1865 Mobile
ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
upcoming events:
DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 11:10 PM, Lan Dang via Scale-planning <
scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Lan Dang <l.dang(a)ymail.com>
> To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 06:10:03 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] speaker info on badges
> I found a developer who would be interested in trying to build this app on
> a volunteer basis as a way of broadening his portfolio for his new
> consulting business. He is new to the world of open source and keen to
> learn more. He is also into UX.
> Could you remind me where you track these issues, or should we start a new
> repo for it?
> I am highly interested in pushing this along but reluctant to take more
> than temporary custody for fear of overloading my plate.
> Lan
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Lan Dang via Scale-planning
> <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
> Is there a GitHub issue for this? If not, it sounds like an ideal time to
> make one and add all these requirements to it along with a couple of
> scenarios for how the app would be used.
> Lan
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org>
> *To:* SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:21 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Scale-planning] speaker info on badges
> - For badge scanning we'd also want 2 modes. Exhibitor vs attendee.
> Attendees want contact info added to their address book. Exhibitors want a
> CSV at the end of the event emailed to them for use with their CRMs, etc.
> - any schedule data should be cached locally so it can be viewed locally
> if network is down or cel coverage poor.
> - In terms of API ideally it would either pull from our existing schedule
> on the website. Whether that means the app polling the site or some
> intermediary that in turn "pushes" to the app is an implementation detail
> we can figure out.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Hriday Balachandran <
> bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
> (This should probably be a document)
> Phone App features:
> 1) Feature to read attendee QR codes and add to address book
> 2) Display the schedule
> 3) Alert feature with push capabilities, that can be used for schedule
> updates as well as general messages (Free lunch in track 5, track 3 is full
> - use overflow room etc)
> 4) API's to update the schedule
> 5) Feature to allow attendee to build their schedule
> 6) Android and iOS compatible
> Bala.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:08 PM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@
> lufthans.com> wrote:
> Am 10. Aug, 2016 schwätzte Hriday Balachandran so:
> moin moin,
> The issue with a label printer and a QR code is that it adds to the badge
> pickup time.
> The label printer would not need to be kept with or done at the same time
> as badge pickup.
> Even if we don't do a printout of some sort we could provide QR codes for
> speakers to keep on their phones.
> OK, don't tell anyone, but I did some graphics work :).
> I grabbed the SCaLE menu logo off the site. A few adjustments to that
> will give us better visual results, but the QR code works. Attached is an
> example.
> qrencode -o SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png 'http://www.socallinuxexpo.org
> /scale/14x/speakers/der-hans
> <http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/14x/speakers/der-hans>'
> convert -gravity center -composite SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png
> scale_penguin_menu.png SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli_logo. png
> Looks quite scriptable to me. I'll create a shell script if you want.
> The far more elegant solution is a smart phone app with notifications
> enabled. The ones out there are expensive and not really worth it for us.
> Are we going to use Guidebook again?
> We would need to develop one. If there's someone that wants to take the
> task on, please let me know.
> What features do we want? Not offering to pop out a phone app :), but
> knowing desired features could generate ideas on how to get them.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> Bala.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps we can get a label printer and allow custom prints w a QR code to
> add to the badge?
> That way we can keep up with updates if they occur and people can print
> and promote their talk or booth by printing both text and QR code.
> Thinking:
> "My Cool Open Source talk" [ QR code ]
> " Sat 11AM Room 101A"
> --
> "Job BOF" [ QR code ]
> "Fri 8PM Room 301B"
> ---
> "Robot Demo at" [ QR code ]
> "Booth 29, 1PM"
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Carlos <scale-planning(a)digitalr00ts.c om
> >
> wrote:
> Awesome idea!
> Carlos Meza
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 9:57 AM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@luft
> hans.com> wrote:
> moin moin,
> https://twitter.com/cczona/sta tus/687654996112990208
> <https://twitter.com/cczona/status/687654996112990208>
> That came up in the SeaGL channel.
> As was pointed out, schedule changes happen and updates would be
> difficult. SCaLE has been great about not having changes, so that's less
> of an issue :).
> However, for me, as a speaker, the main reason I want info on my badge is
> for others who want to go to my talks, so I would actually prefer a QR
> code with a link to either my talk page or my speaker page, which would
> then have easy to use links for calendar entry and/or guidebook entry.
> I actually meant to do that on my own last year :), but didn't get to it
> :(.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> # http://www.LuftHans.com/ <http://www.lufthans.com/>
> http://www.PhxLinux.org/ <http://www.phxlinux.org/>
> # Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> --
> # http://www.LuftHans.com/ <http://www.lufthans.com/>
> http://www.PhxLinux.org/ <http://www.phxlinux.org/>
> # "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
> # -- Albert Einstein
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning@lists. linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/ cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ scale-planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
Anyone have contacts with the DoD? This is a pretty awesome FAQhttp://dodcio.defense.gov/Open-Source-Software-FAQ
Also, here is the NASA process to open source software. (It's pretty cute.)
And here is NASA's GitHub:
----- Original Message -----
From: Lan Dang via Scale-planning <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
Cc: Lan Dang <l.dang(a)ymail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] fyi - new Whitehouse policy requires 20 percent of code to be developed as open source
I have reached out to a contact at OpenNASA to suggest such a talk. She said to check back in late September as they appear to be in the middle of some reorganization.
I know NASA has some stuff on GitHub now and I have recruited a speaker for one of the projects, OpenMCT, to submit to the Call for Papers. Actually, I publicized it to the open source fans at work, so I hope more of them will submit this year.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 10:11 PM, Ilan Rabinovitch
><ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
>Would be interesting to see some talks from the offices implementing this, but I'm also wary that anyone we invite now might not be in office come March given the impending election cycle.
>Ilan Rabinovitch
>Conference Chair
>Southern California Linux Expo
>877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>818-442-1865 Mobile
>ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's upcoming events:
>DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 12:06 AM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>fyi - think about how we can use this fact to help make SCALE better.
>>New policy from The Whitehouse requires agencies to release 20percentof code developed as #opensource#opencon
>>https://www.engadget.com/2016/ 08/09/new-policy-demands-20- percent-of-federal-code-be- open-source/
>>https://www.whitehouse.gov/ sites/default/files/omb/ memoranda/2016/m_16_21.pdf
>>______________________________ _________________
>>Scale-planning mailing list
>>Scale-planning@lists. linuxfests.org
>>https://lists.linuxfests.org/ cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ scale-planning
Scale-planning mailing list
I found a developer who would be interested in trying to build this app on a volunteer basis as a way of broadening his portfolio for his new consulting business. He is new to the world of open source and keen to learn more. He is also into UX.
Could you remind me where you track these issues, or should we start a new repo for it?
I am highly interested in pushing this along but reluctant to take more than temporary custody for fear of overloading my plate.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Lan Dang via Scale-planning<scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote: Is there a GitHub issue for this? If not, it sounds like an ideal time to make one and add all these requirements to it along with a couple of scenarios for how the app would be used.Lan
From: Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org>
To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] speaker info on badges
- For badge scanning we'd also want 2 modes. Exhibitor vs attendee. Attendees want contact info added to their address book. Exhibitors want a CSV at the end of the event emailed to them for use with their CRMs, etc.
- any schedule data should be cached locally so it can be viewed locally if network is down or cel coverage poor.
- In terms of API ideally it would either pull from our existing schedule on the website. Whether that means the app polling the site or some intermediary that in turn "pushes" to the app is an implementation detail we can figure out.
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Hriday Balachandran <bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
(This should probably be a document)
Phone App features:
1) Feature to read attendee QR codes and add to address book2) Display the schedule3) Alert feature with push capabilities, that can be used for schedule updates as well as general messages (Free lunch in track 5, track 3 is full - use overflow room etc)4) API's to update the schedule 5) Feature to allow attendee to build their schedule6) Android and iOS compatible
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:08 PM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@ lufthans.com> wrote:
Am 10. Aug, 2016 schwätzte Hriday Balachandran so:
moin moin,
The issue with a label printer and a QR code is that it adds to the badge
pickup time.
The label printer would not need to be kept with or done at the same time
as badge pickup.
Even if we don't do a printout of some sort we could provide QR codes for
speakers to keep on their phones.
OK, don't tell anyone, but I did some graphics work :).
I grabbed the SCaLE menu logo off the site. A few adjustments to that
will give us better visual results, but the QR code works. Attached is an
qrencode -o SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png 'http://www.socallinuxexpo.org /scale/14x/speakers/der-hans'
convert -gravity center -composite SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png scale_penguin_menu.png SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli_logo. png
Looks quite scriptable to me. I'll create a shell script if you want.
The far more elegant solution is a smart phone app with notifications
enabled. The ones out there are expensive and not really worth it for us.
Are we going to use Guidebook again?
We would need to develop one. If there's someone that wants to take the
task on, please let me know.
What features do we want? Not offering to pop out a phone app :), but
knowing desired features could generate ideas on how to get them.
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Perhaps we can get a label printer and allow custom prints w a QR code to
add to the badge?
That way we can keep up with updates if they occur and people can print
and promote their talk or booth by printing both text and QR code.
"My Cool Open Source talk" [ QR code ]
" Sat 11AM Room 101A"
"Job BOF" [ QR code ]
"Fri 8PM Room 301B"
"Robot Demo at" [ QR code ]
"Booth 29, 1PM"
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Carlos <scale-planning(a)digitalr00ts.c om>
Awesome idea!
Carlos Meza
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 9:57 AM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@luft
hans.com> wrote:
moin moin,
https://twitter.com/cczona/sta tus/687654996112990208
That came up in the SeaGL channel.
As was pointed out, schedule changes happen and updates would be
difficult. SCaLE has been great about not having changes, so that's less
of an issue :).
However, for me, as a speaker, the main reason I want info on my badge is
for others who want to go to my talks, so I would actually prefer a QR
code with a link to either my talk page or my speaker page, which would
then have easy to use links for calendar entry and/or guidebook entry.
I actually meant to do that on my own last year :), but didn't get to it
# http://www.LuftHans.com/http://www.PhxLinux.org/
# Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans
______________________________ _________________
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
______________________________ _________________
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
______________________________ _________________
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
# http://www.LuftHans.com/http://www.PhxLinux.org/
# "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
# -- Albert Einstein
______________________________ _________________
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org
https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
______________________________ _________________
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning@lists. linuxfests.orghttps://lists.linuxfests.org/ cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ scale-planning
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning mailing list
Don't believe so. Anyone want to take lead on filing and tracking this
Ilan Rabinovitch
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo
877-831-2569 x110 Voice
818-442-1865 Mobile
ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
upcoming events:
DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Lan Dang via Scale-planning <
scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Lan Dang <l.dang(a)ymail.com>
> To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 23:25:33 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] speaker info on badges
> Is there a GitHub issue for this? If not, it sounds like an ideal time to
> make one and add all these requirements to it along with a couple of
> scenarios for how the app would be used.
> Lan
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org>
> *To:* SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:21 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Scale-planning] speaker info on badges
> - For badge scanning we'd also want 2 modes. Exhibitor vs attendee.
> Attendees want contact info added to their address book. Exhibitors want a
> CSV at the end of the event emailed to them for use with their CRMs, etc.
> - any schedule data should be cached locally so it can be viewed locally
> if network is down or cel coverage poor.
> - In terms of API ideally it would either pull from our existing schedule
> on the website. Whether that means the app polling the site or some
> intermediary that in turn "pushes" to the app is an implementation detail
> we can figure out.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Hriday Balachandran <
> bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
> (This should probably be a document)
> Phone App features:
> 1) Feature to read attendee QR codes and add to address book
> 2) Display the schedule
> 3) Alert feature with push capabilities, that can be used for schedule
> updates as well as general messages (Free lunch in track 5, track 3 is full
> - use overflow room etc)
> 4) API's to update the schedule
> 5) Feature to allow attendee to build their schedule
> 6) Android and iOS compatible
> Bala.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:08 PM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@
> lufthans.com <Verteiler+scale-planning(a)lufthans.com>> wrote:
> Am 10. Aug, 2016 schwätzte Hriday Balachandran so:
> moin moin,
> The issue with a label printer and a QR code is that it adds to the badge
> pickup time.
> The label printer would not need to be kept with or done at the same time
> as badge pickup.
> Even if we don't do a printout of some sort we could provide QR codes for
> speakers to keep on their phones.
> OK, don't tell anyone, but I did some graphics work :).
> I grabbed the SCaLE menu logo off the site. A few adjustments to that
> will give us better visual results, but the QR code works. Attached is an
> example.
> qrencode -o SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png 'http://www.socallinuxexpo.org
> /scale/14x/speakers/der-hans
> <http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/14x/speakers/der-hans>'
> convert -gravity center -composite SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png
> scale_penguin_menu.png SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli_logo. png
> Looks quite scriptable to me. I'll create a shell script if you want.
> The far more elegant solution is a smart phone app with notifications
> enabled. The ones out there are expensive and not really worth it for us.
> Are we going to use Guidebook again?
> We would need to develop one. If there's someone that wants to take the
> task on, please let me know.
> What features do we want? Not offering to pop out a phone app :), but
> knowing desired features could generate ideas on how to get them.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> Bala.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps we can get a label printer and allow custom prints w a QR code to
> add to the badge?
> That way we can keep up with updates if they occur and people can print
> and promote their talk or booth by printing both text and QR code.
> Thinking:
> "My Cool Open Source talk" [ QR code ]
> " Sat 11AM Room 101A"
> --
> "Job BOF" [ QR code ]
> "Fri 8PM Room 301B"
> ---
> "Robot Demo at" [ QR code ]
> "Booth 29, 1PM"
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Carlos <scale-planning(a)digitalr00ts.c om
> <scale-planning(a)digitalr00ts.com>>
> wrote:
> Awesome idea!
> Carlos Meza
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 9:57 AM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@luft
> hans.com> wrote:
> moin moin,
> https://twitter.com/cczona/sta tus/687654996112990208
> <https://twitter.com/cczona/status/687654996112990208>
> That came up in the SeaGL channel.
> As was pointed out, schedule changes happen and updates would be
> difficult. SCaLE has been great about not having changes, so that's less
> of an issue :).
> However, for me, as a speaker, the main reason I want info on my badge is
> for others who want to go to my talks, so I would actually prefer a QR
> code with a link to either my talk page or my speaker page, which would
> then have easy to use links for calendar entry and/or guidebook entry.
> I actually meant to do that on my own last year :), but didn't get to it
> :(.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> # http://www.LuftHans.com/ <http://www.lufthans.com/>
> http://www.PhxLinux.org/ <http://www.phxlinux.org/>
> # Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org <Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org <Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org <Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> --
> # http://www.LuftHans.com/ <http://www.lufthans.com/>
> http://www.PhxLinux.org/ <http://www.phxlinux.org/>
> # "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
> # -- Albert Einstein
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfest s.org <Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/c gi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> ______________________________ _________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning@lists. linuxfests.org <Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/ cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ scale-planning
> <https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning>
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
Most of our teams are using github wikis or google docs at this point for
sharing notes, and github issues for tickets/work tracking. Would ideally
like to keep to these so that we're not spread across too many different
In terms of chat we've got slack setup. Happy to invite anyone that need
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Lan Dang via Scale-planning <
scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Lan Dang <l.dang(a)ymail.com>
> To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 23:46:11 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject: Collaboration tools
> A comment came up earlier in the OSSIE thread about getting access to a
> wiki or some kind of folder.
> I know there is a SCALE wiki, but I tended to use that more as a reference
> than something I wanted to contribute to. Not everyone on my team would
> have access to the wiki, and there really isn't a reason they should; we
> have many day-of volunteers.
> With the A/V team, we have been using a combination of GitHub wiki, GitHub
> issues, and Google Drive to keep track of things. (I also use the GitHub
> repo to serve up a website to onboard our volunteers.) Our repos are
> public and part of the socallinuxexpo org.
> https://github.com/socallinuxexpo/scale-av-web
> We store files in the Google Drive, as well as meeting notes, and I run
> surveys using Google Forms to capture comments and feedback that we use in
> next year's planning.
> We use Google Hangouts to hold virtual meetings, and I'll take notes in a
> Google doc, that I can share with everyone.
> I use Slack at work, and I've used it for SCALE as well.
> I think of it as a more user-friendly IRC that maintains the history of
> the channel, so everyone can get the context of the conversation, even if
> they just joined.
> It's also nice that we can stay plugged in via mobile app or desktop app.
> We can start any number of private or public channels and invite others to
> them. Even when only two members of the team are conversing, the rest of
> the team can see the conversation and stay looped in. And you can copy
> and paste the history and use it as the start of documentation on a wiki.
> Just food for thought. I'd be happy to learn of other ways folks have
> collaborated. I think it's important to have the information stored in an
> organized fashion so anyone can take the lead and it's easy to on-ramp new
> people.
> Lan
i am planning on attending friday, but have received no response to email
asking about SCaLE having a table. does anyone have a phone number for
these organizers?
On Jul 19, 2016 11:36, "Mx Siltanen" <mrsiltanen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just noticed this event:
> WIT UCLA Friday, Aug 12 8AM-3PM, Reception 3-5PM
> Looks like a good opportunity to do SCALE outreach if anyone is interested
> in attending.
> If so please see if they have a desk or place you can put up a 24x36
> poster for SCALE, and if so drop me a note and we can make arrangements for
> me to get the one I printed out for WWT conference which just occurred.
> Thank You
> Matti
> --- info ---
> *About*
> The UCLA Conference to Advance Women in Technology will take place on
> Friday, August 12, 2016 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (w/Networking Reception
> 3:00 - 5:00 pm) at the *UCLA Pauley Pavilion Club
> <http://womenintech.ucla.edu/content/2016-travel>. *To *submit questions *for
> the panelists, please visit this page
> <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GBD26B3>.
> *Registration*
> Registration for this event is invitation-only. To register, you will need
> to input the event password. Please email *womenintech(a)ucla.edu
> <womenintech@ucla.edu?subject=%5BUCLA%20WIT%5D%20Conference%20Registration%20inquiry>*
> with any questions or to request an invitation.
> *Cost*
> *Suggested Donation: $35.* Our conferences are 100% supported
> by sponsors and donors. If you would like to make an individual donation on
> behalf of yourself or company, *please visit this page
> <http://giving.ucla.edu/Standard/NetDonate.aspx?SiteNum=1233>*. *To make
> a donation, please scroll down to Additional Donations and select the
> amount you would like to donate, then fill in the Donor Information. All
> donations are non-refundable and 100% tax-deductible. *
> http://womenintech.ucla.edu/content/2016-registration
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
OK. Try this link for the CUE-LA newsletter! http://bit.ly/2ah2Qdp Sorry I messed up the first one, my 5-year-old granddaughter was rushing me … "hurry up, Grandma…."
Good idea, Joe….
I also mentioned parents in my earlier post. Many of the regular attendees (and their spouses) are parents and would probably enjoy some breaks from the "heavier stuff" (that is not to say that education is "lighter stuff") to learn about OSSIE resources they could use with their family.
I know we don't have a budget, but since Kenneth mentioned STEM/STEAM I looked at some possibilities. Wouldn't it be great if we could get this couple from Nebraska to come to SCaLE and talk about their 3-D printed violin? They are hoping to do other instruments so schools can use them. The problem is, it costs $450* to buy the printed parts or $600 for the whole violin. But… it only costs about $70 for materials to print it and the design is open source and is, of course… free. They say it can be done on a desktop 3-D printer!
Also, CUE-LA has several upcoming events. We can see what they are doing for those to get some ideas. I got an email from them today and will forward a link to their newsletter. Many of their interests are in propriatory software, but there are many good things we could introduce them to that are open source. Here is a link to the newsletter:
CUELA August Events & Updates http://bit.ly/2ah2Qdphttp://bit.ly/2ah2Qdphttp://bit.ly/2ah2Qdp
* You can buy several good Chinese-made traditional wood violins for that price so it isn't feasable for schools… but the $70 one is.
From: joerenzullo(a)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 13:56:26 -0700
To: scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] Open Source in Education Track (was Re: About the Open Data Track)
Jumping in on this conversation - I'd be interested in proposing a talk for this track!
This summer, I taught 60 students (ages 8-14) in a summer enrichment program how to program using Minecraft and Python. We ran code on Raspberry Pi systems, used Linux hosts for class-wide servers for the students to collaborate, and demonstrated how to interact with the game world and generate large structures by defining the basic geometric solids as functions that the students could use via a simple API.
It was hugely successful, and I am working on curriculum based on it that I am in talks with my university (UNM in Albuquerque) to roll out to our CS4All teacher-training program.
I can also inquire as to the (very good!) idea of getting teacher credits approved for conference attendance/participation. Several of my family members work in the Pasadena Unified School District, and I imagine that this would draw a great deal of interest from middle and high school teachers at the campuses which have STEM/STEAM programs.
I also very much like the idea of broadening this to parents who are interested in resources for working with their own kids - about 10 of the families whose students I taught this summer have followed up with me post-program to ask for more information and "next steps" they can take with their kids.
-Joe Renzullo
PhD Student, Computer Science, University of New Mexico
Software Engineer (Academic Part Time), JPL
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan(a)linuxfests.org> wrote:
I don't know if we'll have space for multiple rooms. Let's focus on defining what we want this track to cover and where it compliments other tracks like SCALE TNG.
On Aug 2, 2016 1:16 PM, "Kenneth Wyrick" <kmw(a)caltek.net> wrote:
I like both of those suggestions. maybe 2 1/2 days and label it Open
Source STEM/STEAM Education then maybe we could come up with some
sub-categories i.e. project based, linked learning, etc.
<quote who="Mx Siltanen">
If teachers are unwilling to take a day off, and unwilling to burn a
weekend day,
How about a 1/2 day track on a Thur which runs late? It doesn't need to be
a large room?
Or perhaps we can rebrand the track and call it a Open Source STEM/STEAM
education track for a day?
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:30 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org>
> (FYI: Bala is traveling this week, so he might be delayed in replying to
> this with his feedback on numbers and experience the past few years. I
> imagine he'll reply in a few days when he's back)
> Happy to see Caryl and Kennth both excited about keeping the OSSIE track
> alive. If those interested in OSSIE want to come back with a proposal on
> what the track should look like moving forward and how best to fill the
> both the program and the seats in the room I'm sure we could get behind
> having it again.
> I do like the the idea of finding a way to offer continuing education
> credits for teachers, as that would likely draw them in similar to how
> we've done this for the legal track.
> For context/background, the original mission of OSSIE was to help
> Educators find ways to use OpenSource in the classroom, specifically in
> K-12 environments but occasionally we covered high education. This was
> from around the time all the CA schools had vouchers for use in
> purchasing
> tech as part of the Microsoft Law suits, while at the same time having
> reduced budgets due to cuts. Our vision at the time had been to send
> teachers back to school with lesson plans they could use in their class
> rooms as a way to drive free software use in schools, and get students
> involved early.
> In terms of specific numbers:
> * OSSIE has always been a 1 day track. Depending on the year the day has
> varied between either Friday, or the weekend days.
> * Attendees. I'd need to dig to find specific number of attendees the
> past few years. Shyam or Bala who are on list might have it handy. I
> think
> a reasonable goal would be to have 30-40 attendees in the track. Our
> smallest room is 60~ theater style, most rooms hold 150+ theater style.
> * # of submissions by year:
> 2016 - 4
> 2015 - 4
> 2014 - 7
> 2013 - 3
> Some initial questions I can think of for us to discuss are:
> * Where does OSSIE fit with regards to SCALE TNG? They're likely
> complimentary and can support each other in someway.
> * Is our goal to reach educators, students, parents or some combination
> there of?
> * What day is best for each of the mentioned audiences? (teachers vs
> parents vs students)
> * If we want educators, how can we better reach them and encourage them
> to
> attend? Happy to share what we've done in the past.
> Ilan Rabinovitch
> Conference Chair
> Southern California Linux Expo
> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
> 818-442-1865 Mobile
> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
> ---
> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
> upcoming events:
> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 9:40 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho(a)hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ilan,
>> Why don't you let Kenneth Wyrick and I see if we can get this going?
>> You
>> have given us a list of things to work on below and we can get started
>> right away with such things as whether Friday or Saturday would work
>> best
>> and how to get more educators to attend.* As I see it, an OSSIE track
>> shouldn't be just for educators. With so many parents getting involved
>> in
>> the technology side of their children's education, things like the Khan
>> Academy videos, Hour of Code and Scratch/ScratchJr are things that will
>> have a wider audience than just professional educators.
>> Caryl
>> * Maybe we could get a unit of college credit for folks who attend the
>> entire OSSIE day and pay a small fee. Teachers can use this type of
>> credit
>> for professional development and, often, it can count toward increases
>> in
>> salary.
>> ------------------------------
>> From: ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org
>> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 14:45:05 -0700
>> To: scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org; bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org
>> Subject: [Scale-planning] Open Source in Education Track (was Re: About
>> the Open Data Track)
>> We haven't yet made a decision around OSSIE for this year, but as a
>> track
>> it has seen reduced attendance and submissions over the past few years.
>> If
>> we can come up with some concrete plans around what we'd want it to
>> look
>> like and discuss how we can get teachers to attend I'm sure we'd be
>> happy
>> to arrange space again.
>> Another thing to keep in mind is we've gotten mixed feedback from
>> teachers on what day to hold OSSIE on if we continue to do so. On the
>> one
>> hand we hear from many teachers they can't attend during the weekend as
>> they have trouble getting the school district to give them a day off
>> for
>> the conference. On the other hand, we also hear from them that they
>> prefer
>> to keep their weekends to themselves rather than for training.
>> -Ilan
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
Scale-planning mailing list
I�m moderate on extroversion.
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning mailing list
Scale-planning mailing list
A comment came up earlier in the OSSIE thread about getting access to a wiki or some kind of folder.
I know there is a SCALE wiki, but I tended to use that more as a reference than something I wanted to contribute to. Not everyone on my team would have access to the wiki, and there really isn't a reason they should; we have many day-of volunteers.
With the A/V team, we have been using a combination of GitHub wiki, GitHub issues, and Google Drive to keep track of things. (I also use the GitHub repo to serve up a website to onboard our volunteers.) Our repos are public and part of the socallinuxexpo org.
We store files in the Google Drive, as well as meeting notes, and I run surveys using Google Forms to capture comments and feedback that we use in next year's planning.
We use Google Hangouts to hold virtual meetings, and I'll take notes in a Google doc, that I can share with everyone.
I use Slack at work, and I've used it for SCALE as well.
I think of it as a more user-friendly IRC that maintains the history of the channel, so everyone can get the context of the conversation, even if they just joined.
It's also nice that we can stay plugged in via mobile app or desktop app.
We can start any number of private or public channels and invite others to them. Even when only two members of the team are conversing, the rest of the team can see the conversation and stay looped in. And you can copy and paste the history and use it as the start of documentation on a wiki.
Just food for thought. I'd be happy to learn of other ways folks have collaborated. I think it's important to have the information stored in an organized fashion so anyone can take the lead and it's easy to on-ramp new people.
moin moin,
That came up in the SeaGL channel.
As was pointed out, schedule changes happen and updates would be
difficult. SCaLE has been great about not having changes, so that's less
of an issue :).
However, for me, as a speaker, the main reason I want info on my badge is
for others who want to go to my talks, so I would actually prefer a QR
code with a link to either my talk page or my speaker page, which would
then have easy to use links for calendar entry and/or guidebook entry.
I actually meant to do that on my own last year :), but didn't get to it
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# Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans