We had 40ish switches with 120ish APs and 20+ raspberry pi systems in Tech.
AV also had a couple dozen Pis and other cameras, video capture equipment, etc.
It sounds like you would like to take the Tech Chair position and have Ubnt come
in and do everything that the volunteers have done in the past.
That's an option to consider, but it's a very drastic change from what we've had
in the past. This would be up to the Scale chairs to decide that they wanted to
go with an all-commercial service instead of using the volunteers (I say up to
the Scale Chairs rather than up to Tech because this would essentially be
replacing Tech)
We have had companies try to come in and run parts of things in the past, it has
not gone well. I got called in to do wifi for the first time after a vendor
backed out a month before the show (after trying and failing to provide wifi the
prior year)
Scale has a well-earned reputation for providing the best network experience to
attendeed of any conference, including the all-commercial ones. They have a very
high bar to meet.
see this Linux Action Show report from two years ago (about the 1:20 mark)
David Lang
On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, Zach Underwood wrote:
> Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 21:23:47 -0400
> From: Zach Underwood <zunder1990(a)gmail.com>
> Reply-To: tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> To: tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> Cc: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> Subject: Re: [Tech] [Scale-planning] Event Wifi Sponsored
> Let's have a call. I need to get a rough count of the hardware that is
> needed to make sure that ubnt will support such a large network, but ubnt
> does like the idea of supporting SCALE2017 to make a case study out of it.
> Ubnt's and my hope is to make the network hardware all ubnt unifi line from
> the APs, switches and routers. This will give us full access to all POE
> gigabit switches, 10gbit uplinks and all POE wireless AC APs. The whole
> system will be centrally controlled by the unifi software.
> This is the example of the type of documentation that I did for SELF2016:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wb0XxbTMdrKJOujZM_3AeM6phN3wrS2AfDbGLg3…
> Here is the start of the documentation for SCALE2016, it still needs a lot
> of work.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sz8ACRvItlzsZBaIC-7Em-D8iUg2QQkteaM72F2…
> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 9:04 PM, David Lang <david(a)lang.hm> wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>> I have heard back form Ubiquiti and have gotten buy in from them for
>>> SCALE2017. I am working on the high level design for network to get idea
>>> of
>>> what gear we would need.
>> Please dont' design the network without talking to the rest of us.
>> Here is the best map of the site that I could find
>>> http://pasadenacenter.visitpasadena.com/facility/
>>> I have some questions
>>> On the schedule from scale14x I see that ballrooms I and J was used but
>>> cant find them on the map.
>> they are above the D and E sectiosn of the ballroom
>> For exhibit hall was hall A and B used?
>> yes, everything
>> Do i see that right that rooms 101-105 have airwalls between them?
>> they can, this last year we had 101/102 103 104/105 (three spaces)
>> What room was used for command/staff
>>> What area was used for noc?
>>> You said in a early email that pre-wired drops was used to connect to the
>>> rooms. How many mdf/idf was used? What was the connect between them.
>>> Is it too early or have you all picked out what rooms will be used?
>> last year we were still unsure of what rooms would be used for what a
>> month before the show.
>> the wiring closet info is part of what we are going to have to discover.
>> We have fiber between the two building, and copper within the buildings. We
>> put our own equipment in all of the wiring closets (the only part of the
>> stock network we used was the in-wall wiring and the router to the outside
>> world. Everything else was ours.
>> David Lang
>>> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 10:35 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Zach,
>>>> We'd love to have you on board. I see that you have signed up to the tech
>>>> list. That's a great place to start.
>>>> We sure can appreciate some new blood and a different perspective to the
>>>> networks at Scale.
>>>> Bala.
>>>> bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org
>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 11:34 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>> Hey folks --
>>>>> I'm sitting out here on the periphery of this discussion (mainly because
>>>>> I'm more into the audio stuff :), but I did want to throw out some
>>>>> "scale"
>>>>> (haha) on the networking effort, since I was involved in a good portion
>>>>> of
>>>>> it this past year.
>>>>> It was interesting to me to see how it all came together, how the
>>>>> diagrams laid out everything, where the equipment was staged, etc.
>>>>> Clearly,
>>>>> someone spent a lot of time planning out things, right down to the
>>>>> length
>>>>> of specific cable runs needed in each room on each wall. There was a
>>>>> TON of
>>>>> networked gear to distribute and connect. Even if (for the moment) you
>>>>> discount the internet access points, there was still a lot of work going
>>>>> into cabling, devices, placement, testing, taping, replacing bad gear,
>>>>> etc.
>>>>> Add back in the connection of AP's and it was about double the effort I
>>>>> just mentioned.
>>>>> Zach, I love the idea of a vendor-supported internet option, but I would
>>>>> highly recommend that you talk to some of the folks who laid out gear
>>>>> last
>>>>> year and get their input to understand the tremendous work effort that
>>>>> went
>>>>> into this on the day before the event. I have huge respect for everyone
>>>>> who
>>>>> stuck it out into the wee hours of the morning just to make sure it
>>>>> worked
>>>>> the next day.
>>>>> I came in early on Wednesday to help out. I got there in the afternoon,
>>>>> and I worked until pretty much midnight (let's say, easily, 6 hours)
>>>>> just
>>>>> laying out the networking for the AP's (i.e., not including the cameras
>>>>> and
>>>>> pods). And I was one of a team of 6-8 people that night, I believe.
>>>>> Simply
>>>>> laying out the cabling took a while, and that's literally just laying
>>>>> all
>>>>> of it on the floor according to diagram. Then the AP's were placed and
>>>>> balanced, making sure that they were under chairs, that the matching
>>>>> network cables reached, that the correct ports were used, that they were
>>>>> near power outlets or extension cords, and so on. And finally -- what I
>>>>> think was the WORST part -- comes the taping down of the cabling and
>>>>> power
>>>>> conduits. That took 3-4 people another maybe 2-3 hours just for that one
>>>>> aspect. And dozens of gaff tape rolls. Tape was everywhere, including
>>>>> under
>>>>> moveable doors and panels, along walls, under chairs, across audio
>>>>> cables,
>>>>> on stages, etc.
>>>>> If I had to take an educated guess, I'd venture that the cabling and
>>>>> placement of AP's probably took 45-50 man hours. Not kidding. Most of us
>>>>> were also trained network admins, so this wasn't like pulling uneducated
>>>>> folks off the street; we knew what we were doing, and it still took that
>>>>> long. Your comment about "*All that needs to be done at the show is
>>>>> place and connect all of the hardware*" is what I'm referring to here:
>>>>> about 50 hours of work for JUST THAT. Nothing else. :)
>>>>> So, while I applaud the enthusiasm and excitement (and especially the
>>>>> volunteerism!), please keep in mind that this one single aspect of the
>>>>> show
>>>>> is a HUGE undertaking. If you go into this and gain a sponsor, you're
>>>>> still
>>>>> going to need a big crew, extremely well-placed and planned diagrams,
>>>>> and
>>>>> an organized and inventoried stock of cabling and parts. I completely
>>>>> agree
>>>>> with Ilan on this -- your help is very welcome and appreciated, but
>>>>> please
>>>>> go into this knowing it's going to be a huge effort.
>>>>> Just my $0.02 anyhow.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Bruce Bergman
>>>>> On 2016-06-18 18:45, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>> Excited to see you're so passionate about building out the SCALE
>>>>> network.
>>>>> We'd love to have you on board on our volunteer team. Lets sync up and
>>>>> come to consensus on a plan before reaching out to sponsors. We have a
>>>>> great deal of hardware that we own already and we should get on the same
>>>>> page before we make external requests, especially since many of the
>>>>> hardware vendors sponsor us in other ways at the moment.
>>>>> I'll defer to the current Tech Chair, who is Bala, on timing but lets
>>>>> schedule a meeting soon. We're just hitting the time of year where we'd
>>>>> normally kick off our event planning for 2017.
>>>>> I believe Bala is traveling this weekend, but I'll add you to the tech
>>>>> list shortly and we can continue discussing how you can best help the
>>>>> team.
>>>>> Thanks again for wanting to make scale awesome.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ilan
>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 3:50 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>> Ok now I have a good idea of the size of the network and will go to the
>>>>>> two sponsors to make sure I have there buy in.
>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 6:49 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>> Oh and any documents of network layout from last year.
>>>>>>> mostly these only exist as paper copies. With all the resignations in
>>>>>>> Tech after last year (at least 4 significant contributers, including
>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>> Chairs), I am about the only one with even a reasonably good idea of
>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>> things were setup. Anything else would involve reverse engineering
>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>> from the configs. The better approach is to discuss what we want to
>>>>>>> do with
>>>>>>> the people interested in the design level of things (ideally in
>>>>>>> person, a
>>>>>>> whiteboard is really desirable for this sort of work), and then setup
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> year's plan from that.
>>>>>>> I believe that I am the only person left who had the router password
>>>>>>> for this least year, and I never logged into one.
>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 4:35 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> What type and speeds of 2016 internet connection?
>>>>>>>>> What type of APs used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>> How many concurrent connected devices were there during 2016?
>>>>>>>>> What was the cabling like? In ceiling, run along walls on the floor,
>>>>>>>>> pre-wired drops back to idf/mdf?
>>>>>>>>> What type of switches were used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>> Can I get a cad drawing/detailed floor layout of the location?
>>>>>>>>> Was the network used for things other than wifi and video recording,
>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>> as, vendors, registration desk, staff or anything else?
>>>>>>>>> What was the peak lan usage in mbps?
>>>>>>>>> Total cable length ran in 2016?
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 4:25 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your interest in helping with SCALE's network and
>>>>>>>>>> streaming
>>>>>>>>>> needs. I'm coping a few folks that can help answer your questions,
>>>>>>>>>> and let
>>>>>>>>>> you know where planning stands for 2017 and 2018.
>>>>>>>>>> Bala copied here is the interim tech chair, between him, David who
>>>>>>>>>> replied a little bit ago, and myself we can help share our current
>>>>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>>>>> and let you know where we might need help.
>>>>>>>>>> In terms of streaming Michael Proctor, also copied here, leads our
>>>>>>>>>> A/V
>>>>>>>>>> team which normally run our live streaming and session recordings.
>>>>>>>>>> They
>>>>>>>>>> record the sessions using IP cameras, and have most of the editing
>>>>>>>>>> automated via some software they've written. I'm sure they'd love a
>>>>>>>>>> hand
>>>>>>>>>> with either the automation tooling or staffing our cameras.
>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to working with you on SCALE 15x.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at
>>>>>>>>>> LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:19 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Can I get the contact info for Stu so I can ask some question of
>>>>>>>>>> him?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 1:18 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that this is the right place for this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been asked to reach out the SCALE to see if you all are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> help with live streaming, event networking, Wifi or internet
>>>>>>>>>>>>> access. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just finished up doing the South East Linux Fest (SELF) Wifi and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> contacted by Ubiquiti (a hardware maker) and another company
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Altispeed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.altispeed.com/> about sponsoring the networking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As an example of the event networking I have done, here is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> post I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about the SELF2016 network:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Stories/SouthEast-Linux-Fest-2016/cns-p/…
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is some information about what we've done in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa12/technical-sessions/presentation/la…
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/publications/login/april-2013-volume-38-number-2/wir…
>>>>>>>>>>>> This last year we deployed about 110 access points around the
>>>>>>>>>>>> show.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Conference center provides the Internet connection, and we
>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>> paid them to allow us to run everything else.
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is an opening for them to sponsor some of this. We can
>>>>>>>>>>>> definantly
>>>>>>>>>>>> use help setting up and running things. At the moment, we don't
>>>>>>>>>>>> know who
>>>>>>>>>>>> will be replacing Stu as the person setting up and running the
>>>>>>>>>>>> network for
>>>>>>>>>>>> the show. Michael Proctor-Smith is going to be running the AV
>>>>>>>>>>>> group, so he
>>>>>>>>>>>> will be continuing to spearhead the streaming effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The current plan is to select the new Tech Chair in a month or
>>>>>>>>>>>> so.
>>>>>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>> _______________________________________________
>> Scale-planning mailing list
>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tech mailing list
>> Tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tech
Tech mailing list
I forgot to mention that there were also about 160 VLANs configured on the
David Lang
On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, David Lang wrote:
> We had 40ish switches with 120ish APs and 20+ raspberry pi systems in Tech.
> AV also had a couple dozen Pis and other cameras, video capture equipment,
> etc.
> It sounds like you would like to take the Tech Chair position and have Ubnt
> come in and do everything that the volunteers have done in the past.
> That's an option to consider, but it's a very drastic change from what we've
> had in the past. This would be up to the Scale chairs to decide that they
> wanted to go with an all-commercial service instead of using the volunteers
> (I say up to the Scale Chairs rather than up to Tech because this would
> essentially be replacing Tech)
> We have had companies try to come in and run parts of things in the past, it
> has not gone well. I got called in to do wifi for the first time after a
> vendor backed out a month before the show (after trying and failing to
> provide wifi the prior year)
> Scale has a well-earned reputation for providing the best network experience
> to attendeed of any conference, including the all-commercial ones. They have
> a very high bar to meet.
> see this Linux Action Show report from two years ago (about the 1:20 mark)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXvGbEYeWp0
> David Lang
> On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, Zach Underwood wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 21:23:47 -0400
>> From: Zach Underwood <zunder1990(a)gmail.com>
>> Reply-To: tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> To: tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> Cc: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Tech] [Scale-planning] Event Wifi Sponsored
>> Let's have a call. I need to get a rough count of the hardware that is
>> needed to make sure that ubnt will support such a large network, but ubnt
>> does like the idea of supporting SCALE2017 to make a case study out of it.
>> Ubnt's and my hope is to make the network hardware all ubnt unifi line from
>> the APs, switches and routers. This will give us full access to all POE
>> gigabit switches, 10gbit uplinks and all POE wireless AC APs. The whole
>> system will be centrally controlled by the unifi software.
>> This is the example of the type of documentation that I did for SELF2016:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wb0XxbTMdrKJOujZM_3AeM6phN3wrS2AfDbGLg3…
>> Here is the start of the documentation for SCALE2016, it still needs a lot
>> of work.
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sz8ACRvItlzsZBaIC-7Em-D8iUg2QQkteaM72F2…
>> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 9:04 PM, David Lang <david(a)lang.hm> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>> I have heard back form Ubiquiti and have gotten buy in from them for
>>>> SCALE2017. I am working on the high level design for network to get idea
>>>> of
>>>> what gear we would need.
>>> Please dont' design the network without talking to the rest of us.
>>> Here is the best map of the site that I could find
>>>> http://pasadenacenter.visitpasadena.com/facility/
>>>> I have some questions
>>>> On the schedule from scale14x I see that ballrooms I and J was used but
>>>> cant find them on the map.
>>> they are above the D and E sectiosn of the ballroom
>>> For exhibit hall was hall A and B used?
>>> yes, everything
>>> Do i see that right that rooms 101-105 have airwalls between them?
>>> they can, this last year we had 101/102 103 104/105 (three spaces)
>>> What room was used for command/staff
>>>> What area was used for noc?
>>>> You said in a early email that pre-wired drops was used to connect to the
>>>> rooms. How many mdf/idf was used? What was the connect between them.
>>>> Is it too early or have you all picked out what rooms will be used?
>>> last year we were still unsure of what rooms would be used for what a
>>> month before the show.
>>> the wiring closet info is part of what we are going to have to discover.
>>> We have fiber between the two building, and copper within the buildings.
>>> We
>>> put our own equipment in all of the wiring closets (the only part of the
>>> stock network we used was the in-wall wiring and the router to the outside
>>> world. Everything else was ours.
>>> David Lang
>>>> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 10:35 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>> We'd love to have you on board. I see that you have signed up to the
>>>>> tech
>>>>> list. That's a great place to start.
>>>>> We sure can appreciate some new blood and a different perspective to the
>>>>> networks at Scale.
>>>>> Bala.
>>>>> bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org
>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 11:34 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hey folks --
>>>>>> I'm sitting out here on the periphery of this discussion (mainly
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> I'm more into the audio stuff :), but I did want to throw out some
>>>>>> "scale"
>>>>>> (haha) on the networking effort, since I was involved in a good portion
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> it this past year.
>>>>>> It was interesting to me to see how it all came together, how the
>>>>>> diagrams laid out everything, where the equipment was staged, etc.
>>>>>> Clearly,
>>>>>> someone spent a lot of time planning out things, right down to the
>>>>>> length
>>>>>> of specific cable runs needed in each room on each wall. There was a
>>>>>> TON of
>>>>>> networked gear to distribute and connect. Even if (for the moment) you
>>>>>> discount the internet access points, there was still a lot of work
>>>>>> going
>>>>>> into cabling, devices, placement, testing, taping, replacing bad gear,
>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>> Add back in the connection of AP's and it was about double the effort I
>>>>>> just mentioned.
>>>>>> Zach, I love the idea of a vendor-supported internet option, but I
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> highly recommend that you talk to some of the folks who laid out gear
>>>>>> last
>>>>>> year and get their input to understand the tremendous work effort that
>>>>>> went
>>>>>> into this on the day before the event. I have huge respect for everyone
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> stuck it out into the wee hours of the morning just to make sure it
>>>>>> worked
>>>>>> the next day.
>>>>>> I came in early on Wednesday to help out. I got there in the afternoon,
>>>>>> and I worked until pretty much midnight (let's say, easily, 6 hours)
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> laying out the networking for the AP's (i.e., not including the cameras
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> pods). And I was one of a team of 6-8 people that night, I believe.
>>>>>> Simply
>>>>>> laying out the cabling took a while, and that's literally just laying
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> of it on the floor according to diagram. Then the AP's were placed and
>>>>>> balanced, making sure that they were under chairs, that the matching
>>>>>> network cables reached, that the correct ports were used, that they
>>>>>> were
>>>>>> near power outlets or extension cords, and so on. And finally -- what I
>>>>>> think was the WORST part -- comes the taping down of the cabling and
>>>>>> power
>>>>>> conduits. That took 3-4 people another maybe 2-3 hours just for that
>>>>>> one
>>>>>> aspect. And dozens of gaff tape rolls. Tape was everywhere, including
>>>>>> under
>>>>>> moveable doors and panels, along walls, under chairs, across audio
>>>>>> cables,
>>>>>> on stages, etc.
>>>>>> If I had to take an educated guess, I'd venture that the cabling and
>>>>>> placement of AP's probably took 45-50 man hours. Not kidding. Most of
>>>>>> us
>>>>>> were also trained network admins, so this wasn't like pulling
>>>>>> uneducated
>>>>>> folks off the street; we knew what we were doing, and it still took
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> long. Your comment about "*All that needs to be done at the show is
>>>>>> place and connect all of the hardware*" is what I'm referring to here:
>>>>>> about 50 hours of work for JUST THAT. Nothing else. :)
>>>>>> So, while I applaud the enthusiasm and excitement (and especially the
>>>>>> volunteerism!), please keep in mind that this one single aspect of the
>>>>>> show
>>>>>> is a HUGE undertaking. If you go into this and gain a sponsor, you're
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> going to need a big crew, extremely well-placed and planned diagrams,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> an organized and inventoried stock of cabling and parts. I completely
>>>>>> agree
>>>>>> with Ilan on this -- your help is very welcome and appreciated, but
>>>>>> please
>>>>>> go into this knowing it's going to be a huge effort.
>>>>>> Just my $0.02 anyhow.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Bruce Bergman
>>>>>> On 2016-06-18 18:45, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>> Excited to see you're so passionate about building out the SCALE
>>>>>> network.
>>>>>> We'd love to have you on board on our volunteer team. Lets sync up and
>>>>>> come to consensus on a plan before reaching out to sponsors. We have a
>>>>>> great deal of hardware that we own already and we should get on the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> page before we make external requests, especially since many of the
>>>>>> hardware vendors sponsor us in other ways at the moment.
>>>>>> I'll defer to the current Tech Chair, who is Bala, on timing but lets
>>>>>> schedule a meeting soon. We're just hitting the time of year where we'd
>>>>>> normally kick off our event planning for 2017.
>>>>>> I believe Bala is traveling this weekend, but I'll add you to the tech
>>>>>> list shortly and we can continue discussing how you can best help the
>>>>>> team.
>>>>>> Thanks again for wanting to make scale awesome.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Ilan
>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 3:50 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Ok now I have a good idea of the size of the network and will go to the
>>>>>>> two sponsors to make sure I have there buy in.
>>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 6:49 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>> Oh and any documents of network layout from last year.
>>>>>>>> mostly these only exist as paper copies. With all the resignations in
>>>>>>>> Tech after last year (at least 4 significant contributers, including
>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>> Chairs), I am about the only one with even a reasonably good idea of
>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>> things were setup. Anything else would involve reverse engineering
>>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>>> from the configs. The better approach is to discuss what we want to
>>>>>>>> do with
>>>>>>>> the people interested in the design level of things (ideally in
>>>>>>>> person, a
>>>>>>>> whiteboard is really desirable for this sort of work), and then setup
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> year's plan from that.
>>>>>>>> I believe that I am the only person left who had the router password
>>>>>>>> for this least year, and I never logged into one.
>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 4:35 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What type and speeds of 2016 internet connection?
>>>>>>>>>> What type of APs used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> How many concurrent connected devices were there during 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> What was the cabling like? In ceiling, run along walls on the
>>>>>>>>>> floor,
>>>>>>>>>> pre-wired drops back to idf/mdf?
>>>>>>>>>> What type of switches were used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> Can I get a cad drawing/detailed floor layout of the location?
>>>>>>>>>> Was the network used for things other than wifi and video
>>>>>>>>>> recording,
>>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>>> as, vendors, registration desk, staff or anything else?
>>>>>>>>>> What was the peak lan usage in mbps?
>>>>>>>>>> Total cable length ran in 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 4:25 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your interest in helping with SCALE's network and
>>>>>>>>>>> streaming
>>>>>>>>>>> needs. I'm coping a few folks that can help answer your
>>>>>>>>>>> questions,
>>>>>>>>>>> and let
>>>>>>>>>>> you know where planning stands for 2017 and 2018.
>>>>>>>>>>> Bala copied here is the interim tech chair, between him, David who
>>>>>>>>>>> replied a little bit ago, and myself we can help share our
>>>>>>>>>>> current
>>>>>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>>>>>> and let you know where we might need help.
>>>>>>>>>>> In terms of streaming Michael Proctor, also copied here, leads our
>>>>>>>>>>> A/V
>>>>>>>>>>> team which normally run our live streaming and session recordings.
>>>>>>>>>>> They
>>>>>>>>>>> record the sessions using IP cameras, and have most of the editing
>>>>>>>>>>> automated via some software they've written. I'm sure they'd love
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> hand
>>>>>>>>>>> with either the automation tooling or staffing our cameras.
>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to working with you on SCALE 15x.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at
>>>>>>>>>>> LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:19 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Can I get the contact info for Stu so I can ask some question of
>>>>>>>>>>> him?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 1:18 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that this is the right place for this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been asked to reach out the SCALE to see if you all are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help with live streaming, event networking, Wifi or internet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> access. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just finished up doing the South East Linux Fest (SELF) Wifi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contacted by Ubiquiti (a hardware maker) and another company
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Altispeed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.altispeed.com/> about sponsoring the networking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As an example of the event networking I have done, here is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about the SELF2016 network:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Stories/SouthEast-Linux-Fest-2016/cns-p/…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is some information about what we've done in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa12/technical-sessions/presentation/la…
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/publications/login/april-2013-volume-38-number-2/wir…
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This last year we deployed about 110 access points around the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> show.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Conference center provides the Internet connection, and we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> paid them to allow us to run everything else.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is an opening for them to sponsor some of this. We can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> definantly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> use help setting up and running things. At the moment, we don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know who
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be replacing Stu as the person setting up and running the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> network for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the show. Michael Proctor-Smith is going to be running the AV
>>>>>>>>>>>>> group, so he
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be continuing to spearhead the streaming effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The current plan is to select the new Tech Chair in a month or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tech mailing list
>>> Tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tech
First off I am not employed or being paid by ubnt or altispeed for any of
this. I am volunteering my time because I love network and wifi, scale is a
big project and would love to make it happen. Yes it is my goal to get ubnt
to provide the hard and pay for internet access for scale but I will still
need volunteers to help on-site with things cabling and gear placement.
I am based in South Carolina.
On Jun 19, 2016 9:42 PM, "David Lang" <david(a)lang.hm> wrote:
> We had 40ish switches with 120ish APs and 20+ raspberry pi systems in Tech.
> AV also had a couple dozen Pis and other cameras, video capture equipment,
> etc.
> It sounds like you would like to take the Tech Chair position and have
> Ubnt come in and do everything that the volunteers have done in the past.
> That's an option to consider, but it's a very drastic change from what
> we've had in the past. This would be up to the Scale chairs to decide that
> they wanted to go with an all-commercial service instead of using the
> volunteers (I say up to the Scale Chairs rather than up to Tech because
> this would essentially be replacing Tech)
> We have had companies try to come in and run parts of things in the past,
> it has not gone well. I got called in to do wifi for the first time after a
> vendor backed out a month before the show (after trying and failing to
> provide wifi the prior year)
> Scale has a well-earned reputation for providing the best network
> experience to attendeed of any conference, including the all-commercial
> ones. They have a very high bar to meet.
> see this Linux Action Show report from two years ago (about the 1:20 mark)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXvGbEYeWp0
> David Lang
> On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, Zach Underwood wrote:
> Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 21:23:47 -0400
>> From: Zach Underwood <zunder1990(a)gmail.com>
>> Reply-To: tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> To: tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> Cc: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Tech] [Scale-planning] Event Wifi Sponsored
>> Let's have a call. I need to get a rough count of the hardware that is
>> needed to make sure that ubnt will support such a large network, but ubnt
>> does like the idea of supporting SCALE2017 to make a case study out of it.
>> Ubnt's and my hope is to make the network hardware all ubnt unifi line
>> from
>> the APs, switches and routers. This will give us full access to all POE
>> gigabit switches, 10gbit uplinks and all POE wireless AC APs. The whole
>> system will be centrally controlled by the unifi software.
>> This is the example of the type of documentation that I did for SELF2016:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wb0XxbTMdrKJOujZM_3AeM6phN3wrS2AfDbGLg3…
>> Here is the start of the documentation for SCALE2016, it still needs a lot
>> of work.
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sz8ACRvItlzsZBaIC-7Em-D8iUg2QQkteaM72F2…
>> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 9:04 PM, David Lang <david(a)lang.hm> wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>> I have heard back form Ubiquiti and have gotten buy in from them for
>>>> SCALE2017. I am working on the high level design for network to get idea
>>>> of
>>>> what gear we would need.
>>> Please dont' design the network without talking to the rest of us.
>>> Here is the best map of the site that I could find
>>>> http://pasadenacenter.visitpasadena.com/facility/
>>>> I have some questions
>>>> On the schedule from scale14x I see that ballrooms I and J was used but
>>>> cant find them on the map.
>>> they are above the D and E sectiosn of the ballroom
>>> For exhibit hall was hall A and B used?
>>> yes, everything
>>> Do i see that right that rooms 101-105 have airwalls between them?
>>> they can, this last year we had 101/102 103 104/105 (three spaces)
>>> What room was used for command/staff
>>>> What area was used for noc?
>>>> You said in a early email that pre-wired drops was used to connect to
>>>> the
>>>> rooms. How many mdf/idf was used? What was the connect between them.
>>>> Is it too early or have you all picked out what rooms will be used?
>>> last year we were still unsure of what rooms would be used for what a
>>> month before the show.
>>> the wiring closet info is part of what we are going to have to discover.
>>> We have fiber between the two building, and copper within the buildings.
>>> We
>>> put our own equipment in all of the wiring closets (the only part of the
>>> stock network we used was the in-wall wiring and the router to the
>>> outside
>>> world. Everything else was ours.
>>> David Lang
>>>> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 10:35 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>> We'd love to have you on board. I see that you have signed up to the
>>>>> tech
>>>>> list. That's a great place to start.
>>>>> We sure can appreciate some new blood and a different perspective to
>>>>> the
>>>>> networks at Scale.
>>>>> Bala.
>>>>> bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org
>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 11:34 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hey folks --
>>>>>> I'm sitting out here on the periphery of this discussion (mainly
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> I'm more into the audio stuff :), but I did want to throw out some
>>>>>> "scale"
>>>>>> (haha) on the networking effort, since I was involved in a good
>>>>>> portion
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> it this past year.
>>>>>> It was interesting to me to see how it all came together, how the
>>>>>> diagrams laid out everything, where the equipment was staged, etc.
>>>>>> Clearly,
>>>>>> someone spent a lot of time planning out things, right down to the
>>>>>> length
>>>>>> of specific cable runs needed in each room on each wall. There was a
>>>>>> TON of
>>>>>> networked gear to distribute and connect. Even if (for the moment) you
>>>>>> discount the internet access points, there was still a lot of work
>>>>>> going
>>>>>> into cabling, devices, placement, testing, taping, replacing bad gear,
>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>> Add back in the connection of AP's and it was about double the effort
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> just mentioned.
>>>>>> Zach, I love the idea of a vendor-supported internet option, but I
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> highly recommend that you talk to some of the folks who laid out gear
>>>>>> last
>>>>>> year and get their input to understand the tremendous work effort that
>>>>>> went
>>>>>> into this on the day before the event. I have huge respect for
>>>>>> everyone
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> stuck it out into the wee hours of the morning just to make sure it
>>>>>> worked
>>>>>> the next day.
>>>>>> I came in early on Wednesday to help out. I got there in the
>>>>>> afternoon,
>>>>>> and I worked until pretty much midnight (let's say, easily, 6 hours)
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> laying out the networking for the AP's (i.e., not including the
>>>>>> cameras
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> pods). And I was one of a team of 6-8 people that night, I believe.
>>>>>> Simply
>>>>>> laying out the cabling took a while, and that's literally just laying
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> of it on the floor according to diagram. Then the AP's were placed and
>>>>>> balanced, making sure that they were under chairs, that the matching
>>>>>> network cables reached, that the correct ports were used, that they
>>>>>> were
>>>>>> near power outlets or extension cords, and so on. And finally -- what
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> think was the WORST part -- comes the taping down of the cabling and
>>>>>> power
>>>>>> conduits. That took 3-4 people another maybe 2-3 hours just for that
>>>>>> one
>>>>>> aspect. And dozens of gaff tape rolls. Tape was everywhere, including
>>>>>> under
>>>>>> moveable doors and panels, along walls, under chairs, across audio
>>>>>> cables,
>>>>>> on stages, etc.
>>>>>> If I had to take an educated guess, I'd venture that the cabling and
>>>>>> placement of AP's probably took 45-50 man hours. Not kidding. Most of
>>>>>> us
>>>>>> were also trained network admins, so this wasn't like pulling
>>>>>> uneducated
>>>>>> folks off the street; we knew what we were doing, and it still took
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> long. Your comment about "*All that needs to be done at the show is
>>>>>> place and connect all of the hardware*" is what I'm referring to here:
>>>>>> about 50 hours of work for JUST THAT. Nothing else. :)
>>>>>> So, while I applaud the enthusiasm and excitement (and especially the
>>>>>> volunteerism!), please keep in mind that this one single aspect of the
>>>>>> show
>>>>>> is a HUGE undertaking. If you go into this and gain a sponsor, you're
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> going to need a big crew, extremely well-placed and planned diagrams,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> an organized and inventoried stock of cabling and parts. I completely
>>>>>> agree
>>>>>> with Ilan on this -- your help is very welcome and appreciated, but
>>>>>> please
>>>>>> go into this knowing it's going to be a huge effort.
>>>>>> Just my $0.02 anyhow.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Bruce Bergman
>>>>>> On 2016-06-18 18:45, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>> Excited to see you're so passionate about building out the SCALE
>>>>>> network.
>>>>>> We'd love to have you on board on our volunteer team. Lets sync up
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> come to consensus on a plan before reaching out to sponsors. We have
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> great deal of hardware that we own already and we should get on the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> page before we make external requests, especially since many of the
>>>>>> hardware vendors sponsor us in other ways at the moment.
>>>>>> I'll defer to the current Tech Chair, who is Bala, on timing but lets
>>>>>> schedule a meeting soon. We're just hitting the time of year where
>>>>>> we'd
>>>>>> normally kick off our event planning for 2017.
>>>>>> I believe Bala is traveling this weekend, but I'll add you to the tech
>>>>>> list shortly and we can continue discussing how you can best help the
>>>>>> team.
>>>>>> Thanks again for wanting to make scale awesome.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Ilan
>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at
>>>>>> LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 3:50 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Ok now I have a good idea of the size of the network and will go to
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> two sponsors to make sure I have there buy in.
>>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 6:49 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>> Oh and any documents of network layout from last year.
>>>>>>>> mostly these only exist as paper copies. With all the resignations
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> Tech after last year (at least 4 significant contributers, including
>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>> Chairs), I am about the only one with even a reasonably good idea of
>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>> things were setup. Anything else would involve reverse engineering
>>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>>> from the configs. The better approach is to discuss what we want to
>>>>>>>> do with
>>>>>>>> the people interested in the design level of things (ideally in
>>>>>>>> person, a
>>>>>>>> whiteboard is really desirable for this sort of work), and then
>>>>>>>> setup
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> year's plan from that.
>>>>>>>> I believe that I am the only person left who had the router password
>>>>>>>> for this least year, and I never logged into one.
>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 4:35 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What type and speeds of 2016 internet connection?
>>>>>>>>>> What type of APs used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> How many concurrent connected devices were there during 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> What was the cabling like? In ceiling, run along walls on the
>>>>>>>>>> floor,
>>>>>>>>>> pre-wired drops back to idf/mdf?
>>>>>>>>>> What type of switches were used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> Can I get a cad drawing/detailed floor layout of the location?
>>>>>>>>>> Was the network used for things other than wifi and video
>>>>>>>>>> recording,
>>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>>> as, vendors, registration desk, staff or anything else?
>>>>>>>>>> What was the peak lan usage in mbps?
>>>>>>>>>> Total cable length ran in 2016?
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 4:25 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your interest in helping with SCALE's network and
>>>>>>>>>>> streaming
>>>>>>>>>>> needs. I'm coping a few folks that can help answer your
>>>>>>>>>>> questions,
>>>>>>>>>>> and let
>>>>>>>>>>> you know where planning stands for 2017 and 2018.
>>>>>>>>>>> Bala copied here is the interim tech chair, between him, David
>>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>>> replied a little bit ago, and myself we can help share our
>>>>>>>>>>> current
>>>>>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>>>>>> and let you know where we might need help.
>>>>>>>>>>> In terms of streaming Michael Proctor, also copied here, leads
>>>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>>>> A/V
>>>>>>>>>>> team which normally run our live streaming and session
>>>>>>>>>>> recordings.
>>>>>>>>>>> They
>>>>>>>>>>> record the sessions using IP cameras, and have most of the
>>>>>>>>>>> editing
>>>>>>>>>>> automated via some software they've written. I'm sure they'd
>>>>>>>>>>> love a
>>>>>>>>>>> hand
>>>>>>>>>>> with either the automation tooling or staffing our cameras.
>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to working with you on SCALE 15x.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at
>>>>>>>>>>> LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:19 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Can I get the contact info for Stu so I can ask some question of
>>>>>>>>>>> him?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 1:18 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that this is the right place for this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been asked to reach out the SCALE to see if you all are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help with live streaming, event networking, Wifi or internet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> access. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just finished up doing the South East Linux Fest (SELF) Wifi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contacted by Ubiquiti (a hardware maker) and another company
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Altispeed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.altispeed.com/> about sponsoring the networking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As an example of the event networking I have done, here is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about the SELF2016 network:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Stories/SouthEast-Linux-Fest-2016/cns-p/…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is some information about what we've done in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa12/technical-sessions/presentation/la…
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/publications/login/april-2013-volume-38-number-2/wir…
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This last year we deployed about 110 access points around the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> show.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Conference center provides the Internet connection, and we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> paid them to allow us to run everything else.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is an opening for them to sponsor some of this. We can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> definantly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> use help setting up and running things. At the moment, we don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know who
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be replacing Stu as the person setting up and running the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> network for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the show. Michael Proctor-Smith is going to be running the AV
>>>>>>>>>>>>> group, so he
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be continuing to spearhead the streaming effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The current plan is to select the new Tech Chair in a month or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tech mailing list
>>> Tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tech
> _______________________________________________
> Tech mailing list
> Tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tech
> _______________________________________________
> Tech mailing list
> Tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tech
Just so you are aware, the position of Tech Chair is not vacant because nobody
can do the job, it's vacant because the Scale Chairs have decided not to pick
someone for that job for a while longer.
One of the people who resigned had also been providing free hosting and sysadmin
support for Scale and LinuxFests. The Chairs decided to focus strictly on
redesigning those services and migrating them to another hosting service before
the free hosting/support runs out. Discussions about the on-site efforts have
been pretty much tabled as a result.
What area do you live in? are you local to Southern California?
David Lang
On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, Zach Underwood wrote:
> Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 16:17:18 -0400
> From: Zach Underwood <zunder1990(a)gmail.com>
> Reply-To: tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>,
> tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org, Hriday Balachandran <bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org>
> Subject: Re: [Tech] [Scale-planning] Event Wifi Sponsored
> I have heard back form Ubiquiti and have gotten buy in from them for
> SCALE2017. I am working on the high level design for network to get idea of
> what gear we would need.
> Here is the best map of the site that I could find
> http://pasadenacenter.visitpasadena.com/facility/
> I have some questions
> On the schedule from scale14x I see that ballrooms I and J was used but
> cant find them on the map.
> For exhibit hall was hall A and B used?
> Do i see that right that rooms 101-105 have airwalls between them?
> What room was used for command/staff
> What area was used for noc?
> You said in a early email that pre-wired drops was used to connect to the
> rooms. How many mdf/idf was used? What was the connect between them.
> Is it too early or have you all picked out what rooms will be used?
> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 10:35 AM, SCALE Planning List <
> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>> Hi Zach,
>> We'd love to have you on board. I see that you have signed up to the tech
>> list. That's a great place to start.
>> We sure can appreciate some new blood and a different perspective to the
>> networks at Scale.
>> Bala.
>> bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 11:34 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>> Hey folks --
>>> I'm sitting out here on the periphery of this discussion (mainly because
>>> I'm more into the audio stuff :), but I did want to throw out some "scale"
>>> (haha) on the networking effort, since I was involved in a good portion of
>>> it this past year.
>>> It was interesting to me to see how it all came together, how the
>>> diagrams laid out everything, where the equipment was staged, etc. Clearly,
>>> someone spent a lot of time planning out things, right down to the length
>>> of specific cable runs needed in each room on each wall. There was a TON of
>>> networked gear to distribute and connect. Even if (for the moment) you
>>> discount the internet access points, there was still a lot of work going
>>> into cabling, devices, placement, testing, taping, replacing bad gear, etc.
>>> Add back in the connection of AP's and it was about double the effort I
>>> just mentioned.
>>> Zach, I love the idea of a vendor-supported internet option, but I would
>>> highly recommend that you talk to some of the folks who laid out gear last
>>> year and get their input to understand the tremendous work effort that went
>>> into this on the day before the event. I have huge respect for everyone who
>>> stuck it out into the wee hours of the morning just to make sure it worked
>>> the next day.
>>> I came in early on Wednesday to help out. I got there in the afternoon,
>>> and I worked until pretty much midnight (let's say, easily, 6 hours) just
>>> laying out the networking for the AP's (i.e., not including the cameras and
>>> pods). And I was one of a team of 6-8 people that night, I believe. Simply
>>> laying out the cabling took a while, and that's literally just laying all
>>> of it on the floor according to diagram. Then the AP's were placed and
>>> balanced, making sure that they were under chairs, that the matching
>>> network cables reached, that the correct ports were used, that they were
>>> near power outlets or extension cords, and so on. And finally -- what I
>>> think was the WORST part -- comes the taping down of the cabling and power
>>> conduits. That took 3-4 people another maybe 2-3 hours just for that one
>>> aspect. And dozens of gaff tape rolls. Tape was everywhere, including under
>>> moveable doors and panels, along walls, under chairs, across audio cables,
>>> on stages, etc.
>>> If I had to take an educated guess, I'd venture that the cabling and
>>> placement of AP's probably took 45-50 man hours. Not kidding. Most of us
>>> were also trained network admins, so this wasn't like pulling uneducated
>>> folks off the street; we knew what we were doing, and it still took that
>>> long. Your comment about "*All that needs to be done at the show is
>>> place and connect all of the hardware*" is what I'm referring to here:
>>> about 50 hours of work for JUST THAT. Nothing else. :)
>>> So, while I applaud the enthusiasm and excitement (and especially the
>>> volunteerism!), please keep in mind that this one single aspect of the show
>>> is a HUGE undertaking. If you go into this and gain a sponsor, you're still
>>> going to need a big crew, extremely well-placed and planned diagrams, and
>>> an organized and inventoried stock of cabling and parts. I completely agree
>>> with Ilan on this -- your help is very welcome and appreciated, but please
>>> go into this knowing it's going to be a huge effort.
>>> Just my $0.02 anyhow.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bruce Bergman
>>> On 2016-06-18 18:45, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>> Hi Zach,
>>> Excited to see you're so passionate about building out the SCALE network.
>>> We'd love to have you on board on our volunteer team. Lets sync up and
>>> come to consensus on a plan before reaching out to sponsors. We have a
>>> great deal of hardware that we own already and we should get on the same
>>> page before we make external requests, especially since many of the
>>> hardware vendors sponsor us in other ways at the moment.
>>> I'll defer to the current Tech Chair, who is Bala, on timing but lets
>>> schedule a meeting soon. We're just hitting the time of year where we'd
>>> normally kick off our event planning for 2017.
>>> I believe Bala is traveling this weekend, but I'll add you to the tech
>>> list shortly and we can continue discussing how you can best help the team.
>>> Thanks again for wanting to make scale awesome.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ilan
>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>> Conference Chair
>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>> ---
>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
>>> upcoming events:
>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 3:50 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>> Ok now I have a good idea of the size of the network and will go to the
>>>> two sponsors to make sure I have there buy in.
>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 6:49 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>> Oh and any documents of network layout from last year.
>>>>> mostly these only exist as paper copies. With all the resignations in
>>>>> Tech after last year (at least 4 significant contributers, including both
>>>>> Chairs), I am about the only one with even a reasonably good idea of how
>>>>> things were setup. Anything else would involve reverse engineering things
>>>>> from the configs. The better approach is to discuss what we want to do with
>>>>> the people interested in the design level of things (ideally in person, a
>>>>> whiteboard is really desirable for this sort of work), and then setup this
>>>>> year's plan from that.
>>>>> I believe that I am the only person left who had the router password
>>>>> for this least year, and I never logged into one.
>>>>> David Lang
>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 4:35 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>> What type and speeds of 2016 internet connection?
>>>>>>> What type of APs used in 2016?
>>>>>>> How many concurrent connected devices were there during 2016?
>>>>>>> What was the cabling like? In ceiling, run along walls on the floor,
>>>>>>> pre-wired drops back to idf/mdf?
>>>>>>> What type of switches were used in 2016?
>>>>>>> Can I get a cad drawing/detailed floor layout of the location?
>>>>>>> Was the network used for things other than wifi and video recording,
>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>> as, vendors, registration desk, staff or anything else?
>>>>>>> What was the peak lan usage in mbps?
>>>>>>> Total cable length ran in 2016?
>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 4:25 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your interest in helping with SCALE's network and
>>>>>>>> streaming
>>>>>>>> needs. I'm coping a few folks that can help answer your questions,
>>>>>>>> and let
>>>>>>>> you know where planning stands for 2017 and 2018.
>>>>>>>> Bala copied here is the interim tech chair, between him, David who
>>>>>>>> replied a little bit ago, and myself we can help share our current
>>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>>> and let you know where we might need help.
>>>>>>>> In terms of streaming Michael Proctor, also copied here, leads our
>>>>>>>> A/V
>>>>>>>> team which normally run our live streaming and session recordings.
>>>>>>>> They
>>>>>>>> record the sessions using IP cameras, and have most of the editing
>>>>>>>> automated via some software they've written. I'm sure they'd love a
>>>>>>>> hand
>>>>>>>> with either the automation tooling or staffing our cameras.
>>>>>>>> Looking forward to working with you on SCALE 15x.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at
>>>>>>>> LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:19 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Can I get the contact info for Stu so I can ask some question of him?
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 1:18 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I hope that this is the right place for this.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have been asked to reach out the SCALE to see if you all are in
>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> help with live streaming, event networking, Wifi or internet
>>>>>>>>>>> access. I
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> just finished up doing the South East Linux Fest (SELF) Wifi and
>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>> contacted by Ubiquiti (a hardware maker) and another company
>>>>>>>>>>> Altispeed
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.altispeed.com/> about sponsoring the networking
>>>>>>>>>>> needs for
>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE.
>>>>>>>>>>> As an example of the event networking I have done, here is the
>>>>>>>>>>> post I
>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>> about the SELF2016 network:
>>>>>>>>>>> http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Stories/SouthEast-Linux-Fest-2016/cns-p/…
>>>>>>>>>> Here is some information about what we've done in the past.
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa12/technical-sessions/presentation/la…
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/publications/login/april-2013-volume-38-number-2/wir…
>>>>>>>>>> This last year we deployed about 110 access points around the show.
>>>>>>>>>> The Conference center provides the Internet connection, and we have
>>>>>>>>>> paid them to allow us to run everything else.
>>>>>>>>>> There is an opening for them to sponsor some of this. We can
>>>>>>>>>> definantly
>>>>>>>>>> use help setting up and running things. At the moment, we don't
>>>>>>>>>> know who
>>>>>>>>>> will be replacing Stu as the person setting up and running the
>>>>>>>>>> network for
>>>>>>>>>> the show. Michael Proctor-Smith is going to be running the AV
>>>>>>>>>> group, so he
>>>>>>>>>> will be continuing to spearhead the streaming effort.
>>>>>>>>>> The current plan is to select the new Tech Chair in a month or so.
>>>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>> _______________________________________________
>> Scale-planning mailing list
>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
Let's have a call. I need to get a rough count of the hardware that is
needed to make sure that ubnt will support such a large network, but ubnt
does like the idea of supporting SCALE2017 to make a case study out of it.
Ubnt's and my hope is to make the network hardware all ubnt unifi line from
the APs, switches and routers. This will give us full access to all POE
gigabit switches, 10gbit uplinks and all POE wireless AC APs. The whole
system will be centrally controlled by the unifi software.
This is the example of the type of documentation that I did for SELF2016:
Here is the start of the documentation for SCALE2016, it still needs a lot
of work.
On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 9:04 PM, David Lang <david(a)lang.hm> wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
> I have heard back form Ubiquiti and have gotten buy in from them for
>> SCALE2017. I am working on the high level design for network to get idea
>> of
>> what gear we would need.
> Please dont' design the network without talking to the rest of us.
> Here is the best map of the site that I could find
>> http://pasadenacenter.visitpasadena.com/facility/
>> I have some questions
>> On the schedule from scale14x I see that ballrooms I and J was used but
>> cant find them on the map.
> they are above the D and E sectiosn of the ballroom
> For exhibit hall was hall A and B used?
> yes, everything
> Do i see that right that rooms 101-105 have airwalls between them?
> they can, this last year we had 101/102 103 104/105 (three spaces)
> What room was used for command/staff
>> What area was used for noc?
>> You said in a early email that pre-wired drops was used to connect to the
>> rooms. How many mdf/idf was used? What was the connect between them.
>> Is it too early or have you all picked out what rooms will be used?
> last year we were still unsure of what rooms would be used for what a
> month before the show.
> the wiring closet info is part of what we are going to have to discover.
> We have fiber between the two building, and copper within the buildings. We
> put our own equipment in all of the wiring closets (the only part of the
> stock network we used was the in-wall wiring and the router to the outside
> world. Everything else was ours.
> David Lang
>> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 10:35 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>> Hi Zach,
>>> We'd love to have you on board. I see that you have signed up to the tech
>>> list. That's a great place to start.
>>> We sure can appreciate some new blood and a different perspective to the
>>> networks at Scale.
>>> Bala.
>>> bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org
>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 11:34 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>> Hey folks --
>>>> I'm sitting out here on the periphery of this discussion (mainly because
>>>> I'm more into the audio stuff :), but I did want to throw out some
>>>> "scale"
>>>> (haha) on the networking effort, since I was involved in a good portion
>>>> of
>>>> it this past year.
>>>> It was interesting to me to see how it all came together, how the
>>>> diagrams laid out everything, where the equipment was staged, etc.
>>>> Clearly,
>>>> someone spent a lot of time planning out things, right down to the
>>>> length
>>>> of specific cable runs needed in each room on each wall. There was a
>>>> TON of
>>>> networked gear to distribute and connect. Even if (for the moment) you
>>>> discount the internet access points, there was still a lot of work going
>>>> into cabling, devices, placement, testing, taping, replacing bad gear,
>>>> etc.
>>>> Add back in the connection of AP's and it was about double the effort I
>>>> just mentioned.
>>>> Zach, I love the idea of a vendor-supported internet option, but I would
>>>> highly recommend that you talk to some of the folks who laid out gear
>>>> last
>>>> year and get their input to understand the tremendous work effort that
>>>> went
>>>> into this on the day before the event. I have huge respect for everyone
>>>> who
>>>> stuck it out into the wee hours of the morning just to make sure it
>>>> worked
>>>> the next day.
>>>> I came in early on Wednesday to help out. I got there in the afternoon,
>>>> and I worked until pretty much midnight (let's say, easily, 6 hours)
>>>> just
>>>> laying out the networking for the AP's (i.e., not including the cameras
>>>> and
>>>> pods). And I was one of a team of 6-8 people that night, I believe.
>>>> Simply
>>>> laying out the cabling took a while, and that's literally just laying
>>>> all
>>>> of it on the floor according to diagram. Then the AP's were placed and
>>>> balanced, making sure that they were under chairs, that the matching
>>>> network cables reached, that the correct ports were used, that they were
>>>> near power outlets or extension cords, and so on. And finally -- what I
>>>> think was the WORST part -- comes the taping down of the cabling and
>>>> power
>>>> conduits. That took 3-4 people another maybe 2-3 hours just for that one
>>>> aspect. And dozens of gaff tape rolls. Tape was everywhere, including
>>>> under
>>>> moveable doors and panels, along walls, under chairs, across audio
>>>> cables,
>>>> on stages, etc.
>>>> If I had to take an educated guess, I'd venture that the cabling and
>>>> placement of AP's probably took 45-50 man hours. Not kidding. Most of us
>>>> were also trained network admins, so this wasn't like pulling uneducated
>>>> folks off the street; we knew what we were doing, and it still took that
>>>> long. Your comment about "*All that needs to be done at the show is
>>>> place and connect all of the hardware*" is what I'm referring to here:
>>>> about 50 hours of work for JUST THAT. Nothing else. :)
>>>> So, while I applaud the enthusiasm and excitement (and especially the
>>>> volunteerism!), please keep in mind that this one single aspect of the
>>>> show
>>>> is a HUGE undertaking. If you go into this and gain a sponsor, you're
>>>> still
>>>> going to need a big crew, extremely well-placed and planned diagrams,
>>>> and
>>>> an organized and inventoried stock of cabling and parts. I completely
>>>> agree
>>>> with Ilan on this -- your help is very welcome and appreciated, but
>>>> please
>>>> go into this knowing it's going to be a huge effort.
>>>> Just my $0.02 anyhow.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bruce Bergman
>>>> On 2016-06-18 18:45, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>> Excited to see you're so passionate about building out the SCALE
>>>> network.
>>>> We'd love to have you on board on our volunteer team. Lets sync up and
>>>> come to consensus on a plan before reaching out to sponsors. We have a
>>>> great deal of hardware that we own already and we should get on the same
>>>> page before we make external requests, especially since many of the
>>>> hardware vendors sponsor us in other ways at the moment.
>>>> I'll defer to the current Tech Chair, who is Bala, on timing but lets
>>>> schedule a meeting soon. We're just hitting the time of year where we'd
>>>> normally kick off our event planning for 2017.
>>>> I believe Bala is traveling this weekend, but I'll add you to the tech
>>>> list shortly and we can continue discussing how you can best help the
>>>> team.
>>>> Thanks again for wanting to make scale awesome.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ilan
>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>> Conference Chair
>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>> ---
>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
>>>> upcoming events:
>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 3:50 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>> Ok now I have a good idea of the size of the network and will go to the
>>>>> two sponsors to make sure I have there buy in.
>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 6:49 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>> Oh and any documents of network layout from last year.
>>>>>> mostly these only exist as paper copies. With all the resignations in
>>>>>> Tech after last year (at least 4 significant contributers, including
>>>>>> both
>>>>>> Chairs), I am about the only one with even a reasonably good idea of
>>>>>> how
>>>>>> things were setup. Anything else would involve reverse engineering
>>>>>> things
>>>>>> from the configs. The better approach is to discuss what we want to
>>>>>> do with
>>>>>> the people interested in the design level of things (ideally in
>>>>>> person, a
>>>>>> whiteboard is really desirable for this sort of work), and then setup
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> year's plan from that.
>>>>>> I believe that I am the only person left who had the router password
>>>>>> for this least year, and I never logged into one.
>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 4:35 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> What type and speeds of 2016 internet connection?
>>>>>>>> What type of APs used in 2016?
>>>>>>>> How many concurrent connected devices were there during 2016?
>>>>>>>> What was the cabling like? In ceiling, run along walls on the floor,
>>>>>>>> pre-wired drops back to idf/mdf?
>>>>>>>> What type of switches were used in 2016?
>>>>>>>> Can I get a cad drawing/detailed floor layout of the location?
>>>>>>>> Was the network used for things other than wifi and video recording,
>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>> as, vendors, registration desk, staff or anything else?
>>>>>>>> What was the peak lan usage in mbps?
>>>>>>>> Total cable length ran in 2016?
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 4:25 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your interest in helping with SCALE's network and
>>>>>>>>> streaming
>>>>>>>>> needs. I'm coping a few folks that can help answer your questions,
>>>>>>>>> and let
>>>>>>>>> you know where planning stands for 2017 and 2018.
>>>>>>>>> Bala copied here is the interim tech chair, between him, David who
>>>>>>>>> replied a little bit ago, and myself we can help share our current
>>>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>>>> and let you know where we might need help.
>>>>>>>>> In terms of streaming Michael Proctor, also copied here, leads our
>>>>>>>>> A/V
>>>>>>>>> team which normally run our live streaming and session recordings.
>>>>>>>>> They
>>>>>>>>> record the sessions using IP cameras, and have most of the editing
>>>>>>>>> automated via some software they've written. I'm sure they'd love a
>>>>>>>>> hand
>>>>>>>>> with either the automation tooling or staffing our cameras.
>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to working with you on SCALE 15x.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at
>>>>>>>>> LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:19 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Can I get the contact info for Stu so I can ask some question of
>>>>>>>>> him?
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 1:18 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that this is the right place for this.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been asked to reach out the SCALE to see if you all are
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> help with live streaming, event networking, Wifi or internet
>>>>>>>>>>>> access. I
>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>> just finished up doing the South East Linux Fest (SELF) Wifi and
>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>> contacted by Ubiquiti (a hardware maker) and another company
>>>>>>>>>>>> Altispeed
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.altispeed.com/> about sponsoring the networking
>>>>>>>>>>>> needs for
>>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As an example of the event networking I have done, here is the
>>>>>>>>>>>> post I
>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>> about the SELF2016 network:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Stories/SouthEast-Linux-Fest-2016/cns-p/…
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is some information about what we've done in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa12/technical-sessions/presentation/la…
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/publications/login/april-2013-volume-38-number-2/wir…
>>>>>>>>>>> This last year we deployed about 110 access points around the
>>>>>>>>>>> show.
>>>>>>>>>>> The Conference center provides the Internet connection, and we
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> paid them to allow us to run everything else.
>>>>>>>>>>> There is an opening for them to sponsor some of this. We can
>>>>>>>>>>> definantly
>>>>>>>>>>> use help setting up and running things. At the moment, we don't
>>>>>>>>>>> know who
>>>>>>>>>>> will be replacing Stu as the person setting up and running the
>>>>>>>>>>> network for
>>>>>>>>>>> the show. Michael Proctor-Smith is going to be running the AV
>>>>>>>>>>> group, so he
>>>>>>>>>>> will be continuing to spearhead the streaming effort.
>>>>>>>>>>> The current plan is to select the new Tech Chair in a month or
>>>>>>>>>>> so.
>>>>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> _______________________________________________
> Tech mailing list
> Tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tech
My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
I hope that this is the right place for this.
I have been asked to reach out the SCALE to see if you all are in need of
help with live streaming, event networking, Wifi or internet access. I have
just finished up doing the South East Linux Fest (SELF) Wifi and was
contacted by Ubiquiti (a hardware maker) and another company Altispeed
<http://www.altispeed.com/> about sponsoring the networking needs for
As an example of the event networking I have done, here is the post I did
about the SELF2016 network:
My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
Sorry about the email sig this. It looks like the mobile gmail client did
not pull the email sig from my account.
On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org>
> Hi Zach,
> Welcome to the tech list. We've got a solid team of volunteers and want to
> make sure things like configuration and documentation are more of a team
> effort moving forward. Bala will be in touch soon to setup a team meeting
> to start our network planning for 2017. Looking forward to having you join
> us a member of the team!
> Regards,
> Ilan
> Ilan Rabinovitch
> Conference Chair
> Southern California Linux Expo
> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
> 818-442-1865 Mobile
> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
> ---
> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
> upcoming events:
> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 5:01 PM, SCALE Planning List <
> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>> I can understand that. If we can work this out all of the hardware would
>> be shipped to my home weeks before the event. I will configure 100% of the
>> network hardware then ship it to the event. All that need to be done at the
>> show is place and connect all of the hardware. For self2016 I developed the
>> network plan 6 months before the event and had all of the hardware
>> specified out then.
>> On Jun 18, 2016 7:33 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>> Over the last 5 or so years Scale has transitioned from running on
>>> borrowed equipement to owning the equipment. The combination of needing a
>>> lot of equipment, and the time it takes to configure the equipment (the
>>> switches and APs are not simple configs, even for wired networks, each port
>>> is configured for a specific purpose and needs to be on the right VLAN(s))
>>> made it that we need to have the equipment well before the show (weeks to
>>> months)
>>> So in general, we're probably not that interested in temporary loans of
>>> equipment for the show (but this will be up to the new Tech Chair for final
>>> decisions)
>>> I had been thinking that this year we may want to look at going to new
>>> APs, but the combination of not really having an AP model that I'm
>>> hungering after (there aren't any -ac routers that have a fully open stack
>>> yet), all the disruption from the staff changes, and the fact that we are
>>> getting such a late start on things mean that I will probably delay that
>>> change another year.
>>> David Lang
>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>> That we will have to be talked about. What altispeed has pledged for
>>>> SELF2017 is pay for internet connection($600) and all other expenses
>>>> for me
>>>> to run the network(travel, hotel, cabling, servers,gaff tape). Then ubnt
>>>> has pledged to loan all of the network hardware such as APs, switches
>>>> and
>>>> router of there current and best hardware. Opennms has also pledged to
>>>> help
>>>> with the network monitoring system.
>>> On Jun 18, 2016 7:00 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>> Ok now I have a good idea of the size of the network and will go to
>>>>> the two
>>>>>> sponsors to make sure I have there buy in.
>>>>> What sort of sponsorship are they talking about?
>>>>> Funding the costs of the network (we pay a 5 figure sum to get the
>>>>> Internet connection and the privilege of running the network ourselves
>>>>> rather than having them setup and run the network)
>>>>> Or are they thinking in terms of providing equipment for us to use?
>>>>> (and
>>>>> if so, a permanent donation or loaned for the show?)
>>>>> Or are think thinking of running the equipment during the show?
>>>>> or something else?
>>>>> David Lang
>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 6:49 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>> Oh and any documents of network layout from last year.
>>>>>>>> mostly these only exist as paper copies. With all the resignations
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> Tech
>>>>>>> after last year (at least 4 significant contributers, including both
>>>>>>> Chairs), I am about the only one with even a reasonably good idea of
>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>> things were setup. Anything else would involve reverse engineering
>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>> from the configs. The better approach is to discuss what we want to
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> the people interested in the design level of things (ideally in
>>>>>>> person, a
>>>>>>> whiteboard is really desirable for this sort of work), and then setup
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> year's plan from that.
>>>>>>> I believe that I am the only person left who had the router password
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> this least year, and I never logged into one.
>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>> On Jun 18, 2016 4:35 PM, "SCALE Planning List" <
>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> What type and speeds of 2016 internet connection?
>>>>>>>>> What type of APs used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>> How many concurrent connected devices were there during 2016?
>>>>>>>>> What was the cabling like? In ceiling, run along walls on the
>>>>>>>>> floor,
>>>>>>>>> pre-wired drops back to idf/mdf?
>>>>>>>>> What type of switches were used in 2016?
>>>>>>>>> Can I get a cad drawing/detailed floor layout of the location?
>>>>>>>>> Was the network used for things other than wifi and video
>>>>>>>>> recording,
>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>> as, vendors, registration desk, staff or anything else?
>>>>>>>>> What was the peak lan usage in mbps?
>>>>>>>>> Total cable length ran in 2016?
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 4:25 PM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Zach,
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your interest in helping with SCALE's network and
>>>>>>>>>> streaming
>>>>>>>>>> needs. I'm coping a few folks that can help answer your
>>>>>>>>>> questions,
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> let
>>>>>>>>>> you know where planning stands for 2017 and 2018.
>>>>>>>>>> Bala copied here is the interim tech chair, between him, David who
>>>>>>>>>> replied a little bit ago, and myself we can help share our
>>>>>>>>>> current
>>>>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>>>>> and let you know where we might need help.
>>>>>>>>>> In terms of streaming Michael Proctor, also copied here, leads
>>>>>>>>>> our A/V
>>>>>>>>>> team which normally run our live streaming and session recordings.
>>>>>>>>>> They
>>>>>>>>>> record the sessions using IP cameras, and have most of the editing
>>>>>>>>>> automated via some software they've written. I'm sure they'd love
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> hand
>>>>>>>>>> with either the automation tooling or staffing our cameras.
>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to working with you on SCALE 15x.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>>>>>>>>>> Conference Chair
>>>>>>>>>> Southern California Linux Expo
>>>>>>>>>> 877-831-2569 x110 Voice
>>>>>>>>>> 818-442-1865 Mobile
>>>>>>>>>> ilan(a)linuxfests.org Email
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at
>>>>>>>>>> LinuxFests.org's
>>>>>>>>>> upcoming events:
>>>>>>>>>> DevOps Days SV - June 24-25, 2016 - Mountain View, CA
>>>>>>>>>> Texas Linux Fest - July 8-9, 2016, Austin TX
>>>>>>>>>> SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:19 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Can I get the contact info for Stu so I can ask some question of
>>>>>>>>>> him?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 1:18 AM, SCALE Planning List <
>>>>>>>>>>> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016, SCALE Planning List wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that this is the right place for this.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been asked to reach out the SCALE to see if you all are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> help with live streaming, event networking, Wifi or internet
>>>>>>>>>>>>> access.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just finished up doing the South East Linux Fest (SELF) Wifi
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> contacted by Ubiquiti (a hardware maker) and another company
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Altispeed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.altispeed.com/> about sponsoring the networking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCALE.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As an example of the event networking I have done, here is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> post I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about the SELF2016 network:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Stories/SouthEast-Linux-Fest-2016/cns-p/…
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is some information about what we've done in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa12/technical-sessions/presentation/la…
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.usenix.org/publications/login/april-2013-volume-38-number-2/wir…
>>>>>>>>>>>> This last year we deployed about 110 access points around the
>>>>>>>>>>>> show.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Conference center provides the Internet connection, and we
>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>> paid them to allow us to run everything else.
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is an opening for them to sponsor some of this. We can
>>>>>>>>>>>> definantly
>>>>>>>>>>>> use help setting up and running things. At the moment, we don't
>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>>>> will be replacing Stu as the person setting up and running the
>>>>>>>>>>>> network for
>>>>>>>>>>>> the show. Michael Proctor-Smith is going to be running the AV
>>>>>>>>>>>> group,
>>>>>>>>>>>> so he
>>>>>>>>>>>> will be continuing to spearhead the streaming effort.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The current plan is to select the new Tech Chair in a month or
>>>>>>>>>>>> so.
>>>>>>>>>>>> David Lang
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Zach Underwood (RHCE,RHCSA,RHCT,UACA)
>>>>>>>>> My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
>>>>>>>>> advance-networking.com
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Scale-planning mailing list
>>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
>> _______________________________________________
>> Scale-planning mailing list
>> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
>> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> _______________________________________________
> Tech mailing list
> Tech(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tech
My website <http://zachunderwood.me>
moin moin,
Elastic is sending out a newsletter that includes a listing of CFPs that
are closing soon.
Here's info on how to get listed.
CFPs closing soon
Some conferences with open calls for participation. Feel free to send
conferences to developerrelations(a)elastic.co
<http://go.elastic.co/K00PBMA00eFA3dpZT0hB0M0> to be considered for
inclusion on this list.
# http://www.LuftHans.com/http://www.PhxLinux.org/
# The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
# is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
# We cause accidents. -- Nathaniel Borenstein
We have been invited to participate, please let me know if anyone is
interested in helping promote SCALE 15x at Big Data Day LA.
"Hey Guys,
As part of the coming Big Data Day LA 2016(Completely Free),
http://www.bigdatadayla.com - expected attendance at 1200 people, We are
offering local LA tech groups free tables to promote their groups at the
We will provide
- 6' feet table
- 2 chairs
- Power
- Wifi
We only ask that you partner with us by providing us a logo, spreading the
event to your user groups and having someone man the booth during exhibitor
Please let me know if this is something you maybe interested in.
Apologies for skipping last week. With OSCON and other events some of us
found ourselves email challenged.
Please find notes below on the activities from the weeks ending 9/15 and
Hope you all find these useful. We're open to feedback on frequency and
OSCON took place this past week. SCALE exhibited in collaboration with
other LinuxFests.org events such as TXLF and SEAGL; as well as LinuxFest
NorthWest. We met with existing and prospective attendees, speakers and
sponsors. Two SCALE organizers presented sessions in the conference
program, Kyla Banks and Ilan Rabinovitch.
ISSA-LA Summit
ISSA LA held their 8th annual summit <https://summit.issala.org/> this past
week (May 19-20). This is the Los Angeles security community’s annual event
and get together. Given our new security track last year we though it
would be a great place to recruit speakers for our call for papers as well
as network with the security community. Matti Siltanen coordinated our
presence with support from Carlos Lopez, and Andy Seltzer.
Lei Zhang and the reg team have proposed some updates to our attendee
ticket pricing for SCALE 15x. If you would like to provide feedback please
add comments in this github issue
<https://github.com/socallinuxexpo/SCALE-Planning/issues/192>. Our goal is
to finalize pricing by end of June so that we can launch registration.
TechINFRA Hacking
While we await selection of our final hosting provider we’ve continued to
make progress on modernizing our infrastructure automation. Several new
team members joined us for a hack session on Thursday night. You can find
the remaining todo list on github:
Initial web and database tier automation are complete, including user
management. You can now provision our website and relevant database locally
via Vagrant and Chef. More progress is expected soon around testing
workflows, documentation, and additional features.
We expect there will be a few more hack nights to wrap up remaining
services such as mailman, phpList, etc. If you’d like to participate join
us in #infra on slack or email bala(a)socallinuxexpo.org for details.
VOIP and Telephony
We’ve decided to continue with moving to the hosted solution by Teliax for
our telephony needs. We expect to complete the migration by end of May.
We could use some help with recording the prompts, so if you think you have
a good voice for IVRs reach out to ilan(a)socallinuxexpo.org and
SSL Certs
Most of our SSL certs expire on 6/23. We'll need to renew them in the next
few weeks. There is a ticket to track this in Github.
GitHub Orgs
Over the years various SCALE teams had created their own github
organizations (socallinuxexpo, scale-tech, scale-av, etc), in the last
couple of years most of the content from these migrated to our organization
socallinuxexpo rather than the team specific orgs. This week we migrated
the last of the repos, and shuttered scale-tech and scale-av github orgs.
If as part of the move you have lost access to a repo please reach out to
Ilan or Bala for assistance.
Learning from our friends at DevOpsDay LA we know metrics and sharing are
both critical to success, so one of our goal this year to ensure we have
monitoring in place, and easily accessible by all team members. To support
this we have received offers of donated services from Datadog, New Relic,
and a few others for use in our monitoring needs. See the relevant github
tickets for updates.
Other Projects
We have a number of other pending infra projects. If you’d like to
participate please check our issue
queue for other areas you can lend a hand.
Other LinuxFests ProgramsCommunity Leadership Summit
LinuxFests’s newest member program, the Community Leadership Summit
<http://www.communityleadershipsummit.com> was held las weekend. We had
over 200 attendees join us for two full days of presentations and
discussions around community management. Notes from the unconference
portions of the sessions are available at: